The Illuminati and its Influence in Government, Academia, Business, Entertainment, Finance, Education, Religion, and Culture
By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND

The Illuminati is often associated with the term “conspiracy theory.” Mainstream institutions, including the corporate media, documentaries, academia, and popular internet sites, commonly assert that the Illuminati is no longer active and dismiss any claims of its global influence (as seen in the summary of web commentary below).

However, it is worth questioning the validity of these assertions. Could the Illuminati still have a presence today, or is it simply a relic of the past? Is the notion of a worldwide Satanic conspiracy aiming to exert control over humanity just a figment of imagination without any basis in reality?

I interviewed Fritz Springmeier about his decades of research on the Illuminati and heard a very different story. Fritz has authored numerous books (such as his most famous, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati“) documenting his findings on this group. His books, public speaking engagements, and exposure to the Illuminati were sufficiently effective to activate forces desiring to silence him. He was the victim of a false/unjust conviction for a crime he did not commit. This suppression of his message can itself be viewed as evidence supporting the reality of the Illuminati’s existence.

To buy “Bloodlines of the Illuminati book,” Click Here

To view the book cover: “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”

To contact Fritz Springmeier, moc.l1741730967iamto1741730967h@seg1741730967assem1741730967reiem1741730967gnirp1741730967s1741730967

To view the Fritz Springmeier interview, Click Here

Here is a summary of key points from the conversation with Fritz Springmeier:

– Fritz Springmeier has studied the Illuminati extensively through years of research of original documents and interviews with former members.

– He believes the Illuminati is a real/actual/existent contemporary secret society with a history going back centuries, possibly millennia. His books trace the families/bloodlines that influence major global institutions and world events through a network of allies and front organizations like Freemasonry. This network of groups is hidden from their connection with the Illuminati by planning and communicating directions through in-person contact. Fritz believes the Illuminati exerts its influence in every area of society, including NGOs like the WHO, WEF, and UN agencies, politicians, celebrities, academics, and business executives/boards.

– The Illuminati’s goal is to replace individual sovereignty with group rights (e.g., communalism, the good of the many over the good of the few).  The tools of control include finance/money, surveillance, selective information/propaganda/censorship. In its evolution toward complete control, the nations will be brought under a single global governance, commonly called the New World Order. Behind the organization, goals, and control is the worship and direction of Satan.

– The Illuminati use rituals, sacrifice, and mind control to bind members and empower themselves. Aliens and UFOs may be connected as part of a plan to hand over control of the Earth to Satan.

– The Illuminati draws people in through promises of power and success and controls events by hidden influence. Maintaining secrecy is crucial to their continued control from the shadows.

In this interview, Fritz shares his research linking current global events and institutions to an ancient conspiracy of powerful bloodlines working toward an antichrist agenda.

Summary of information about the Illuminati from the Web/Books/Media:

A search of the internet revealed several common themes about the Illuminati. The overarching and consistent conventional wisdom holds that there is no modern-day Illuminati and they label belief in its existence, influence, and practices a “Conspiracy Theory.”

This mainstream portrayal of the Illuminati as a non-existent historical relic is clearly at odds with the accounts and testimonies of the people Fritz met who claimed personal experience as participants in the organization. After thousands of hours of research into the Illuminati, Fritz was approached by four people trying to exit it. Their independent stories corroborated each other. It is Fritz’s opinion/evaluation that the Illuminati is the mother/parent/head/pinnacle/source group pushing the world toward global control.

Some refer to the Illuminati as a general term for all secret societies. But Fritz has concluded that the Illuminati is a specific group that continues the influence of the wealthy ruling families from antiquity. He notes there was no point in history when the wealthy decided to relinquish their power and control and give that power to the people. The Revolutionary War was fought to give power to the people to self-govern, and the Constitution and Bill of Rights were adopted to prevent total central control. But that populist Godly goal of self-rule has been subverted and coopted by men blinded by Satan with his promise of power, money, status, and pleasure.

Historically, the term “Illuminati” originally referred to the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret society founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a law professor in Ingolstadt, Bavaria (now Germany). Weishaupt aimed to promote Enlightenment ideals and combat religious and political oppression. The Bavarian Illuminati sought to promote rationality, secularism, and the separation of church and state. The story presented by historical academia is that the Illuminati was short-lived and disbanded in 1785 after facing government crackdowns and public hostility.

Fritz, other researchers, and ex-members claim that the Illuminati continues as a real Satanic cabal. They claim that it controls world events and manipulates governments, economies, and various industries to achieve its agenda of Satan’s rule on earth by influencing global affairs, orchestrating wars, influencing financial systems, and manipulating popular culture.

The pubic relations/propaganda/disinformation campaign to create the public belief in the Illuminati’s non-existence is virtually completely accepted as true. There is no institutional/authoritative support given to the existence of a modern-day Illuminati. A few brave souls have left the cult of illuminism by accepting Jesus as Lord, praying, renouncing past vows, and resisting programming. Those who expose its secrets and existence face threats and attempts to draw them back in. The mainstream media counters any claims of the Illuminati’s existence as fantasy based on speculation, misinterpretation of symbolism, and the reimagining of historical events. A nearly unanimous wall of establishment authorities (scholars, researchers, and investigative journalists) declares that the Illuminati as a controlling global force is unfounded and discredits such claims as a “conspiracy theory.”

The mainstream information establishment acknowledges that secret societies exist and have influence and engage in activities, but no overarching/supreme/controlling secret society. They admit to secret societies whose influence is limited to specific domains, such as academic, professional, or fraternal organizations, which they consider benign, without the far-reaching power attributed to the Illuminati.

The mainstream acknowledges that the historical Bavarian Illuminati was a real organization, but the modern-day concept of the Illuminati is presented as a complex web of conspiracy theories and speculations without a factual basis.

Global Control: Conspiracy theories surrounding the Illuminati often argue that the organization wields immense power and influence over global events. They are believed to manipulate governments, economies, and media to maintain control and shape the world according to their agenda.

Symbolism: Symbols may be included in corporate logos, music videos, and other forms of popular culture.Ritualistic Symbolism: The symbolism may include the All-Seeing Eye, the pyramid, 666, and hand gestures. Symbols are messages and memes that can capture the essence of a belief, a focus of worship, and the goal/purpose/ideal toward which a group/movement aspires.

Elite Membership: The Illuminati membership is passed through families/bloodlines. A systematic execution of sexual, physical, and mental abuse is used to control children who are programmed to have multiple personalities, which can be triggered to do the will of their controllers for life in all arenas of power, such as politics, business, entertainment, and finance. Once inside the system, parents in wealthy families are induced to give their children over to abuse programming in return for access to their families’ wealth, power, and a life of ease and status. Denial/rejection of the “request” for access to children separates wealthy Illuminati family members from wealth, power, and status.

New World Order: The Illuminati is working towards establishing a “New World Order” of totalitarian, global government that would suppress individual freedoms and consolidate power in the hands of a few. This is the global rule of Satan made physical on this earth.

Occult Practices: The sacrifice of animals and humans, as well as sexual, physical, and mental abuse, are performed in rituals known as SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse). The suffering of its victims is dedicated ceremonially to give the demonic realm the power to do Satanic miracles.

Historical Influences: The Illuminati continues to exist past its public/historic dissolution in 1785. It recruits new members and trains them through other publically known/acknowledged modern secret societies, fraternities, and organizations. Because of these cover organizations, the Illuminati can maintain its numbers and expand without being identified.

Mind Control and Mass Manipulation: Some conspiracy theories assert that the Illuminati possesses advanced techniques of mind control and manipulation. They are believed to use various means, such as subliminal messaging, media propaganda, and psychological manipulation, to control the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors of the masses.

Celebrity and Entertainment Industry Involvement: The Illuminati uses celebrities (especially in the entertainment industry) to popularize its agenda and intention. Symbolism, messages, and desired societal responses/values/attitudes are used in music videos, stage performances, and public appearances. There are stories of celebrities who have sold their souls to Satan in exchange for fame and success.

Global Catastrophes and False Flags: A central tool of the Illuminati is the orchestration of major global events, including natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and pandemics, to further their agenda. These events may have been staged or manipulated to create chaos and fear and then used as a pretext for implementing their desired changes.

Alien Agenda: Jim Marr’s book “The Illuminati” presents the theory that extraterrestrial beings are the ultimate controllers behind the Illuminati and their global agenda. Other theories speculate that aliens are spiritual beings, both angelic and demonic, which battle between God and Satan for the souls of men.

Financial Control: The formation of central banks in every nation allows the printing of fiat money (issuance of digital currency without a corresponding store of value or commitment to create value). Such a system does not generate actual wealth. Nevertheless, the ownership of money allows those who have money (even if it is fake/pretend money) to control people by offering them money. Thus, a controlled issuance of money allows governments to use the appearance of the possession of value to purchase armaments, recruit armies, fund research, own media, buy politicians with bribes/trades of political favors, and thus control events by hiring, bribing, and intimidating. The possession and control of money allows the control of currencies, markets, research, media, people, leaders, technology, information, and events.

Bloodlines and Genetic Manipulation: Nathan Reynolds (aluminum wealth) wrote the book, “Snatched from the Flames,” describing how wealthy Illuminati families pass power and maintain their influence from generation to generation. He describes how children are given to the grandfather generation to abuse and produce split personalities subject to triggering to perform acts in the future without conscious awareness. It is through a system of seduction by a promised life of comfort/wealth, fame/esteem, and power that parents give their children to be abused and programmed. The giving of children to abuse and programming is a cornerstone of perpetuating the lineage of the Illuminati influence and feeding power to the Satanic realm.

Population Control: Reduction of the world population to 500 million is a goal attributed to the WEF with the purported goal of saving the planet. God’s first command was to be fruitful and multiply. The Satanic agenda is the opposite of this: to kill and enslave all of humanity. Much evidence has come forth from, e.g., Robert Malone, claiming the Covid release was intentional. It was not particularly deadly, so there may have been other motivations. At the very least, the vax and mask mandates were used to create a culture of surveillance, compliance, and censorship.

Government Infiltration: Conspiracy theories propose that the Illuminati infiltrates governments at various levels, including political parties, intelligence agencies, and influential institutions. This alleged infiltration allows them to exert control over policies, decision-making processes, and global affairs.

Resistance Movements: Some brave culture warriors seek to expose the Illuminati, e.g., Fritz Springmeir (“Bloodlines of the Illuminati”),  Jim Marr (“The Illuminati”), and Nathan Reynolds (“Snatched from the Flames”). Both researchers and past members are universally dismissed as “conspiracy theorists.” These men are not alone; there are many such testimonies, so all who speak of such organizations, methods, and purposes are subject to being discredited. The forces of the information establishment uniformly condemn/dismiss those who expose the Illuminati by personal testimony or research.

Control of Education and Media: The societal/authority pressure to attend government schools is strong. Government-sponsored education is biased by the Department of Education and teachers’ unions. They control the educational content/philosophy/bias by choosing curricula and textbooks.

Mind Control through Technology: Some claim mind control devices and surveillance systems have been injected and implanted in people to monitor and influence their thoughts and behaviors. The existence of such high-tech methods of manipulation is controversial, but using subliminal messages in advertising, movies, and songs is not controversial. Nathan Reynold reports seeing symbols/triggers/phrases/words used to activate the programming he received when he was subjected to childhood abuse. Predictive programming is the mind control of the masses by dramatizing disaster scenarios. Exposure to possible scenarios brings these new possibilities closer to reality and acceptability because they are familiar when they happen. Such media messaging makes new initiatives more real/acceptable without raising startle or surprise responses.

Secret Underground Bases: The existence of underground bases is well known. Suppose the Illuminati has been able to penetrate all the echelons of power. In that case, they have access to the operational capabilities hidden or protected by being away from public scrutiny.

Ancient Secret Knowledge: In the millennia since the dawn of civilization, many societies/cultures have developed technologies that have been lost. The burning of the Library at Alexandria was one example. But knowledge was passed by oral and written tradition, and possibly some of this ancient knowledge was kept alive through secret societies. If Satan has power and can influence the minds of men, then the passage of such knowledge and technology would probably be kept secret,  given the horrific ritual abuse required to obtain this Satanic power. If Satan’s methods and goals were widely known, and if he was exposed/widely recognized as real, then he and his method would be rejected/shunned, no one would sacrifice virginity/innocence to him, and he would be disempowered.

Influence in International Organizations: The infiltration at every level of organization, local, state, national, and international, is the goal of Satan. Many believe that the United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Bank are tools of the elite to advance their agenda and move the world toward one world global governance.

Predictive Programming: Popular culture, including movies, music, and television shows, contains narratives, stories, and plots with messages/morals/scenarios that foreshadow and condition the public to accept or expect government, economic, and cultural outcomes in societal organization and group action. Predictive programming can condition the public to accept desired outcomes in future events. Many commentators have declared that “Leave the World Behind” is an example of predictive programming.

Alien Collaboration: Contact and duplication of advanced technology and alliances with alien civilizations may be used to advance their goals.

Ritual Sacrifice and Bloodlines: Nathan Reynolds experienced participating in ritual sacrifices involving children. The purpose of blood sacrifice, defiling innocence, and inflicting pain is to give power to Satan; he can use the power, the spiritual credit dedicated to him by sacrifice, to enforce compliance by seducing men with pleasure/power/wealth and intimidating resistors with threats of pain, torture, and death. The generations are connected with wealth, abuse, control by programming, and the spiritual bonding between abuser and abused.

Global Surveillance and Control: Central to achieving the goals of the Illuminati has been the establishment of a pervasive surveillance system to monitor and control individuals worldwide. The NSA surveillance is a well-known example (e.g., exposure by Snowden and Assange/Wikileaks). This surveillance has been extended to all aspects of life, including personal communications, internet activities, and financial transactions. The purpose of the FISA warrants is to authorize the legal domestic use of this information collected on all our communications to investigate terror and criminal suspicion.

Weather Manipulation: Various electromagnetic frequencies and aerosol particles may be capable of controlling weather patterns and manipulating natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and droughts for their purposes, including population control and economic manipulation.

Time Travel and Future Knowledge: Some people claim that the Illuminati has access to time travel technology or knowledge of future events, allowing them to manipulate historical events and guide humanity toward their desired outcome.

Subversion of Traditional Values: Fritz notes that communism and Illuminism are intimately related, as evidenced by their goals to undermine traditional values, religious beliefs, societal norms, promotion of moral relativism, cultural degeneration, and the erosion of traditional institutions to create a more compliant and controllable population.

Assassinations and Mind Control: The Illuminati may have been associated with high-profile assassinations and mind control experiments such as MKUltra, which was a program to use mind control techniques. Nathan Reynolds testifies that this has happened.

Click to view the Fritz Springmeier interview.






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