Conservative Meeting Disrupted by Leftist
by, Thomas Lee Abshier, ND
Thomas: John, the disruptive behavior described in the article you sent (below) plausibly reflects the woman’s worldview and justification of her actions. Although not stated, it is reasonable to assume the woman heckling and then biting the security person was a Leftist. The incident occurred at a Conservative meeting.
For this commentary, I define a hypothetical group I call “Leftists,” which I will contrast with another hypothetically pure ideological group, which I shall call “Conservatives.” No person is ideologically homogeneous with a group ethic, thoughts, values, beliefs, or actions. Thus, any real person may be a mixture of Leftist and Conservative characteristics. Still, the categories are valuable since we all know people who probably stand more in one camp than the other. Knowing a person’s political allegiance helps us to know how to relate when discussing issues of public morality. The Conservative has at least a de facto adoption of Biblical principles. The Leftist is more likely to be antagonistic to the Biblical message and its public and private morality principles.
I define Leftists as those who elevate DEI, unGodly sexuality, infant sacrifice on the altar of convenience, prohibit Christianity/Biblical reference/prayer in government, and expect government solutions to provide services that could be delivered by the market (e.g., education, medical care, retirement, etc.). I think Leftists justify their behavior by rationalizing their moral code as so correct that they have the right, even duty, to interfere in the space of others as a service to their god.
A common target for Leftist attacks, protests, and lobbying is at the government’s decision, consensus, judgment, and enforcement points. By imposing their influence on the government’s executive, legislative, and judicial functions, activists can focus their efforts on the hinge of the state’s power to impose behavior (speech, thought, and action) on an entire nation. The purpose is to modify (start, stop, change) the function of government in an area of disagreement. Examples include defunding or criminalizing opposition to what Leftists consider fundamental rights or proper social-cultural practice. Expanding the scope of government to include as many areas of life as possible makes their influence increasingly centralized and powerful. Centralization appeals to the human hunger for power and its rewards and makes societal control susceptible to bribes and blackmail.
Leftists consider policies opposing their moral code so egregiously wrong that “any means necessary” is justified to slow, stop, or reverse implementation. They mobilize to stop offending policy and enforce leftist legislation with a zeal best explained as a de facto religion. The god of their worship is formed and characterized by the policies they embrace. They fashion their gods in the image of their imagination of what pleases their senses. Thus, they imitate the True God in His declaration of absolute moral principles, right/wrong, good/evil, and social and personal conduct that arises from His character.
In John 13, we see the divinely intended pattern for the government’s role as it codifies, enforces, and judges according to the spirit letter of the absolute moral code, which is the essence of God’s being, heart, and character. Morality is moot if there are no standards, acts, or ways of displeasing Him. Reality must reflect His being/His way for the universe to appear perfect/good and Godly.
But Leftists worship/choose/act out the principles of a god other than the Biblical God. The Leftist god is one of their own making and is an enemy of the True God to the extent that their principles oppose those of the One True God. To the extent that their code opposes the moral code of the Biblical God, there is a clash between conservatives and liberals.
Leftists do not worship and honor the God and principles of Abraham, Moses, Paul, and Jesus. They have replaced the morals/standards/principles of the one True God with the standards and morals of gods of their own making. They have chosen to elevate acts and principles that please the senses and satisfy the appetites and pride of man. Nothing but the One True God, who created reality and whose morals are imprinted within the very fabric of reality, will produce the happiness and peace we all desire.
Leftists take philosophical principles from their list of virtues (e.g., diversity, equity, and Inclusion ) and create policy/legislation to mandate compliance, funding, and outcome. This results in a belief in the right of government to distribute charity/welfare from wealth coerced from other citizens. All such policies are justified by a moral code defining what is good and right but antithetical to God’s character. From this same well rises the morality justifying transgenderism, euthanasia, abortion, homosexual marriage, etc.
Every law is based upon a moral principle, and Leftists regulate individual and social behavior to shape societal character and behavior to require compliance with their vision of the moral universe. But man’s law, when it opposes God’s law, produces contradictions and paradoxes. The mark of divine law is a unity that honors God, neighbor, and self.
For example, the principle of “thou shalt not kill,” when taken as an isolated, absolute principle, diminishes the right of the innocent/the actual victim to defend against violence with deadly force. The principle of thou shalt not kill was a misquotation/mistranslation of the 10 Commandments, which declares, “Thou shalt not murder.” Thus, a supposedly morally superior stand, a subset of an absolute principle, is generalized, and the ends and purposes of a false god are advanced.
School choice is another example where a Leftist might see an opportunity for conservatives to indoctrinate their children in Christian principles and intolerance of un-Biblical sexuality. Given the Leftist’s moral structure, he/she would see teaching intolerance of Biblically defined sin as an abomination, as a sacrilege, as a violation of the tenants of the Leftist religion, which elevates “tolerance” and free expression of sexuality to the top of their hierarchy of moral excellence and godliness.
Having defined their moral standard, equating their standards of holiness with the personification and essence of their god, and seeing their god’s sacred practices opposed, they equate such opposition with blasphemy and defilement of their god’s most holy principles. Seeing their god opposed, Leftists are filled with religious zeal (the passion to impose their god’s reign of “righteousness” on all men). Leftists desire to spread the “gospel” of their god and impose conformity with his/her/its morality (tolerance, unfettered choice of sexuality, diversity over merit, forced redistribution of wealth to reduce inequality…) upon the masses to bring in the millennium of peace, love, and harmony with compliance with their “higher” “more perfect” moral system. Leftists feel justified in using any means necessary to defend what they hold as most holy. The fact that their stand is self-contradictory (imposing tolerance in the name of tolerance) is ignored in the zeal of their “holier than thou” persecution and attempt to purge from power any who hold “heretical” beliefs that oppose their gospel dogma.
Thus, correctly identifying the True God and His moral code is essential to produce the Heaven on Earth we ask to come in the Lord’s Prayer. Only the absolute truth, the moral character of the One True God, has no contradictions within the body of its morality. Many counterfeits and anti-Christs will come before the end of the age. We need a standard to identify the character/principles/morals of the True God from the principles of the false gods. The Bible and the Holy Spirit give us that revelation, standard, and metric by which we can measure the spirit of an act, law, person, or group. Life does not accept excuses or difficulty of accomplishment as a mitigation of consequences. Opposing the will/morality of Leftists can produce suffering in the present age, and opposing the will of the True God will produce suffering in the age to come.
In the Biblically prophesied millennia, the True God will establish the Kingdom of Righteousness on earth by sovereign fiat/declaration/appearance. Leftists diminish the reality of such a time of ultimate submission and reckoning with a God who is their creator as a myth/fable/superstition. Paradoxically, those who disbelieve in the millennial rule of God, the Leftist activists, enforcers, agitators, and would-be-rulers, seek to impose a millennium of “peace” upon mankind by forcing compliance with their moral standards turned into legislation and culture. Leftists substitute the truth of God’s principles and revelation for the manmade idols, the principles crafted by man’s hands, and proceed to conquer nations to force compliance with the moral standards of their gods. Without recognizing the irony, the absurdity, and the hypocritical inconsistency, Leftists seek to impose their standard of absolute right to persecute Christians and denigrate Christianity for violating their most sacred principle of “tolerance.”
John: here’s a Grok 3 summary of the incident that occurred at the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) meeting on February 22, 2025, at Coeur d’Alene High School, based on the information provided in the news article and related context:
On February 22, 2025, the KCRCC hosted a legislative town hall at Coeur d’Alene High School, which descended into chaos due to a confrontation involving security personnel and an attendee. The event, attended by elected representatives, required heightened security following online threats targeting one of the legislators, Rep. Jordan Redman. During the meeting, an individual named Teresa Borrenpohl was removed from the auditorium by plainclothes security personnel after reportedly heckling them. The situation escalated when Borrenpohl allegedly bit a security guard during her removal, leading to her arrest on charges of trespassing and battery.
Initial reports from Coeur d’Alene Police Captain David Hagar, cited by KREM 2 News, indicated that Borrenpohl was charged with battery, but charges were later dropped. Still, the case was under review as authorities gathered additional witness statements and video evidence. Posts on X from the KCRCC and local reporters suggested that the incident was part of a broader narrative, with some claiming it was an orchestrated disruption by political opponents. The KCRCC noted that security measures were intensified due to prior online activity, including threats against Rep. Redman.
In summary, the incident involved a disruptive removal and arrest at a politically charged town hall, complicated by security concerns, legal questions about the venue’s status, and allegations of bias in the ongoing investigation. The situation remains under review as of February 24, 2025, with further details still emerging.