Prophecy as Prediction and Pattern

By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND Written in response to an article by Bill Sizemore: Essay Summary: Biblical prophecy is ambiguous in its specificity, and the multiple interpretations of the end-time prophesy (eschatology)...

Is Jesus the Only Savior

By: Thomas Lee Abshier, NDBook Review: “Is Jesus the Only Savior”by James R. Edwards Leftist culture warriors continually bleat that it is bigoted to affirm that one religion is superior to any other or that Jesus is the only savior. But now James R. Edwards, a...

Creation vs Evolution

by: Margo Diann Abshier, ND Lee Strobel, former investigative legal journalist and editor for the Chicago Tribune, documents his journey from boyhood Lutheran catechism class, through high school science classes, undergraduate journalism school, followed by Yale Law...

The Requirement for Faith

The fact of the existence of the physical universe is the ultimate mystery.  We take it for granted, we don’t think about it, it’s like air, it’s simply there, and we live inside of it every day. When we do ask the hard questions, like,...

Rebuttal of a Slander of the Founders

By: Margo Diann Nissley-Abshier, N.D. August 25, 2011 (Thursday) 5:05pm Re: Video documentary, “The Faith of the Founders” Dear M. As I watched the video you gave me on the Founders, I took notes and here are rebuttals of its content: I have never seen someone try to...

The Black Regiment

Commentary on the Modern Black Regiment Quotes from chapter 7 of: One Nation Under God, 10 Things Every Christian Should Know About the Founding of America by: Dr. David C. Gibbs Jr. President Christian Law Association, with Jerry Newcombe ©2003 Published by the...