The Conscious Point Physics – Summary

by | Aug 22, 2023 | Philosophy of Science, Physics, Science | 0 comments

The Conscious Point Physics
By Thomas Lee Abshier, ND

Science has been used as a justification for non-belief in God. Most Americans do not understand physics in great depth, hold scientists as authorities on the mysteries of the universe, and accept their opinions about creation and evolution as fact. The result is that people adopt the opinions of men of science about the ultimate nature of reality, the origin of life, and God’s existence.

In general, Science defends and advocates the non-existence of God. Science argues that the postulate of God is unnecessary, given that quantum mechanics offers a plausible origin of the universe (i.e., Virtual Particles appear to arise out of nothing; therefore, the universe may have also arisen from literally nothing). Likewise, evolution offers a plausible explanation for the appearance of life (i.e., gradual changes and survival advantages of modifications). Thus, Occam’s Razor is imposed by Science (i.e., the correct/real solution is the simpler postulate) as a justification for excluding God, since adding a hypothetical God is a more complicated explanation of the universe than a universe without Him. But this logic fails when examining the multiplication of explanatory entities necessary to explain time, energy, space, and mass and the laws they follow.

I believe God’s origin is an unknowable mystery. No one can penetrate or postulate how God could have originated. Such postulation is impossible to fathom from the human perspective. The postulation of mass arising from literally nothing is equally unfathomable/unanswerable/mysterious. If mass can arise from literally nothing, then God can arise from literally nothing in the same way. At that point, the question is, “which postulate of initial ex nihilo origin is a more productive/useful explanation of the universe?” Or stated another way, which faith do you with so embrace, a Godless or God-created creation – either way, it is a miracle.

Having postulated God’s existence as a point of consciousness, how could God manifest the physical universe? Because of a revelatory altered state vision, whose circumstances seemed divinely directed, I saw the relationship between Father, Son, and the creation as a projection of the Father, as a duplication of His Consciousness as the Son. (This explains God saying to Moses, when asked His name, “I Am, That, I Am.” The Son is the same existence as the Father.)

The Son was given the responsibility of creating the entire creation, including the spirit of man. (John 1:1-4 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.  In him was life; and the life was the light of men.)

The Son created zillions of what I call “Conscious Points,” creating them by imagination as points of consciousness from which to view Himself and the other Conscious Points. All of space is densely filled with Conscious Points.  He gave rules of relationship to each of the Conscious Points – rules by which they attract and repel each other given their distance and velocity. The metric of space is absolute and likewise created as Conscious Points, which do not interact or move and serve as reference points to give absolute position and absolute velocity. The Conscious Points interact in Moments, in discreet periods which include three distinct domains:

1) Observation/Perception of the position and velocity of a fixed/set/universal number of Conscious points in its spherical vicinity, a volume modified by its absolute velocity. The Conscious Points have a charge type (plus or minus) and class type (electron or quark), which are identities recognized by the other Conscious Points. Each Conscious Point responds to every other Conscious Point based on its relative charge, class, and velocity. The charge and class are identities given/created, and the response one to another is purely voluntary/willful/obedient/mechanical and based on rules of response embodied by/created with/given to/obeyed by each Conscious Point.
2) Computation of the displacement of each Conscious Point at the end of the Moment, which would result from its relative charge-type (plus minus attract, plus-plus or minus-minus repel), class-type (electron-electron charge, electron-quark charge, and quark-quark strong type), and velocity at the given distance (relative velocity of charge producing perpendicular/magnetic type force). The displacement due to each of the surrounding Conscious Points is computed. Then a summation of the net displacement due to all the Conscious Points is computed as a vector sum, resulting in a net of displacement (an absolute displacement relative to the absolute metric) and velocity (distance/Moment). Additional displacement information may be added (from every other particle in the universe) due to spooky action at a distance, entanglement type of relationships which results from interactions that require conservation of energy/momentum.
3) Action/motion/displacement of each Conscious Point happens simultaneously throughout the universe. Each Conscious Point now has a new velocity (displacement per Moment – which will then be used to compute the dynamic electromagnetic force on its neighbors) and a new position, which determines its absolute distance and displacement due to its electrostatic force (charge to charge force/displacement command).

The model of the universe as filled with a light-conducting medium (such as a universe filled with Conscious Points) was rejected in 1887 when the Michelson-Morely experiment failed to detect an “ether drift.” The experiment was meant to detect what was assumed to be a necessary effect of light moving faster or slower through the “ether” if the source and observer were moving relative to the ether. This expectation was based upon the assumption that the ether had conduction properties similar to the conduction of sound and water waves. But the Conscious Points do not have that similarity; they conduct direct mind-transmission of information and respond based upon rules of relationship. The restriction of data sampling for the next Moment’s displacement to a set number of neighboring Conscious Points results in the definition of a quantum. Likewise, this restriction in the number of sampled points results in a constant speed of light conduction of a quantum of disturbance in the Conscious Point Sea filling all of space.

A rationalization of Hedrick Lorentz’s defense of the “ether” can be made with an ether that obeys the above assumptions of its underlying properties. Lorentz reformulated Maxwell’s equations as the Lorentz Transformation. Lorentz assumed that the ether had the properties I ascribed to and are rationalized by the Conscious Point Sea.

The question here is, what is reality’s actual/real nature? Is space empty, and does light move at a constant speed of light without any reason or any underlying mechanism other than to satisfy the equations of Special Relativity? Such reasoning is absurd.

Lorentz developed an equation set that duplicated the effects seen in the Michelson-Morley Experiment by assuming an ether having the properties of space contraction and time dilation due to relative velocity. Such a space would appear to conduct light at a constant speed in every direction at every velocity. Allowing space to have these properties would have allowed the ether theory to be retained. But attributing time dilation and space contraction to the ether was considered “ad hoc” as no postulated structure or model of space could rationalize such behavior.  Instead, Albert Einstein’s model of the universe was adopted, which was a space without an ether, an empty space except for “fields” of electromagnetic forces that transmitted their force between source and receiver at a constant speed.

This model of the universe was successful in explaining the null result (lack of ether wind/drift detected) by the Michelson-Morley experiment and predicted the special relativistic effects later measured as real. While Special Relativity predicted the effects observed, and the equations that Einstein developed accurately described nature, they did not postulate a mechanism by which the speed of light propagated a constant rate. The constant speed of light was assumed as an axiom, a rule of nature, a postulate without a prior cause, without an explanation, accepted by all of science and has been the dogmatic underlying holy principle by which the universe organizes and conducts itself. This does not help us develop a universe model, which is unified and explanatory in a mechanistic, cause-effect way of understanding life, unity of all, first cause, mechanism, and origins.

But the Conscious Point Postulate gives us the granularity and token of manipulation needed to postulate the rules governing their interactions in producing the various experimental results. The effects we must describe with a simple set of rules and entities include electrostatic and dynamic force, strong force, speed of light, quantum effects, subatomic sub-quantum processes, and particle theory.

According to my Conscious Point Postulate, the subatomic particles are complex aggregates of the Conscious Point types and charges (again: two types, electron and quark, and two charges, plus and minus). Note: All the particles and forces cataloged in the Standard Model/Subatomic Particle Zoo are not elementary; they are composites/aggregates of numerous Conscious Points, which produce the macroscopic/mass/quantum-scale effects observed in the laboratory. The experimentally observed quantum effects result from the Conscious Points only interacting with a specific number of Conscious Points each Moment. This limitation on interaction with a limited number of local-only Conscious Points (except for the entangled distant, instantaneous interactions) results in the spectrum of observed quantum effects, properties, and entities (e.g., uncertainty principle, wave-particle duality…).

The field effects, the appearance of space having a concentration of forces and particles at each point in space, results from the Conscious Points interacting randomly due to conducting the sea of instructions from local and distant Conscious Points. The superposition of the instructions produces the effect of virtual particles and forces being present in different concentrations/magnitudes at each point in space. Such a distribution of values of parameters spread out over a volume is the prototypical example of a “Field.”

The appearance of Virtual Particles arising out of nothing is based upon an ignorance of the underlying structure of space, with its dense presence of Conscious Points (i.e., dense compared to the size of the subatomic Particles or the volume of space holding a quantum of electromagnetic energy). The assembly and rapid dissipation of the organization of Conscious Points into Virtual Particles are explained/understood by the passage of information from every interaction in the universe, every Moment, delayed by the speed of light transmission rate and distance.

The postulate by conventional physics and cosmology that virtual particles arise out of nothing is inapplicable as an analogy to how the universe arose from a spontaneous, universe-sized virtual particle pair formation. If the Virtual Particles arise only because of transient configurations in an underlying sea of Conscious Points, this is not an example of “something from nothing” to which we can appeal and assume that the universe arose by an analogous mechanism.

If the universe is filled with Conscious Points, the Godless creation story would be, “All the Conscious Points filling the universe spontaneously appeared out of nothing and started to organize, spontaneously chose the properties of relationship, and the universe and life we now see arose spontaneously.”

The competing story of a God-created universe is, “God arose out of nothing, and He created all the points of consciousness composing the universe by His mind-spirit imagining their existence and their properties of relationship to create the laws of nature.”

Of course, the God-created/originated Conscious Point postulate conforms more massively/more tightly to the required simplicity of Occam’s Razor. To maintain the commitment to a Godless universe, conventional physics has allowed a near-infinite multiplication of universes, each with unique properties of nature, to produce our universe accidentally. But if universes boil out of nothing, then a simpler solution would be pre-universe/pre-creation/pre-God nothingness, in which a near-infinite number of Gods boil out of nothing. If this is the case, then the assumption of our God being one of many gods makes the origin of evil very simple. If all other universes/gods have a different set of physical constants, and theirs can’t support life, but they can affect our universe, then plausibly, they are the evil spirits that are pulling us to unGodliness.

But rather than believing in a multiverse, I choose to believe that our God is the only God, He created all of creation, and there is none beside Him. In this construction of reality, I believe there is a way of organization of His creation, the configuration of the Conscious Points, which is pleasing to Him, and an organization/actions which opposes His will and way.  I believe He is the God of the good, the lovely, and He desires that man choose that which makes him healthy, joyous, and prosperous. I believe all that is not in “His Way” is what we define as evil. I believe He (through the Son) created all that is, including evil spirits. I don’t know if He created evil spirits by allowing a rebellion and throwing down a third of the angels, turning them into demons, or self-forming into demons because of being cast out of His presence.

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