Is Joe Biden Electable

by | Aug 18, 2023 | Politicians, Politics | 0 comments

Here is a summary of the key points in an article by Kim Strassel,, 8/19/2023

– The article argues that Democrats are taking a risky strategy by betting heavily on Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential nominee despite his weaknesses.
– Biden is showing visible signs of declining mental and physical faculties that raise questions about his ability to campaign and serve another term.
– His approval ratings are low, and voters doubt his age and fitness for office. Kamala Harris is also historically unpopular as VP.
– Biden faces headwinds on issues like the economy, inflation, crime, and foreign policy that could hurt his reelection bid.
– Hunter Biden remains a lingering liability if Republicans intensify investigations into his overseas dealings.
– While Trump has legal challenges, focusing so much media attention on him could still help his chances of winning the GOP nomination again.
– Uncertainties in both primaries could lead to stronger opponents against Biden than currently assumed.
– Democrats risk losing the 2024 election if they don’t seriously consider alternative candidates to Biden given the “weak horse” they are backing.

In summary, the article argues Democrats have taken a risky gamble by staking so much on Biden’s reelection despite vulnerabilities rather than potentially stronger replacement candidates.

Biden’s Electability
by Thomas Lee Abshier, ND

The problem with the Democrat Party’s strategy for getting politicians elected is that their philosophical/moral position is antithetical to Biblical standards.
* The Democrats divide people into special interest groups (racial, sexual orientation, poor/rich, labor/entrepreneurs, vax/anti-vax…). The Democrat strategy for winning office and instituting their agenda is similar to Karl Marx’s. He advocated transforming capitalist society into a worker’s paradise by pitting the classes against each other.
* The Democrats appeal to the flesh (e.g., sexual license, abortion, and entitlements).
* They focus on framing events and people in racial/identity terms.
* They threaten social embarrassment by labeling non-compliance with the ultimate epithet, “Racist.”
* They advocate for sexual anarchy: transgenderism, homosexual rights…
* They endorse abortion, which is child sacrifice for adult convenience
* They appeal to and foster entitlement (welfare, one-payer medical care…)
* They lobby for bigger government (regulating or providing as many functions as possible by the government, such as travel security by the TSA, medical care, and insurance through One Payer systems…), to make as many people dependent on the government as possible.
* They force equality of outcome through the graduated income tax and printing money.
* They force charity through taxation, which is forced wealth redistribution. Charity is good – it elevates the soul. Forced charity is theft – it creates resentment and separates people.
* The Democrats separate people into groups and then pit them against each other. This is the Communist strategy of creating class struggle and provoking revolution against the oppressors.
* Because of the appeal to flesh hunger, the social positions of the Democrats are easier to sell than the moral positions of Godliness.

* Sexual fidelity: Live the same sex you were born with. Be sexual only with the opposite sex. Maintain the marriage vows for life. Be sexually chaste before marriage, and don’t play on the edge; even lustful thoughts are adultery. Be monogamous after marriage. Don’t entertain sexual temptation with lusty images.
* Large families: Be fruitful and multiply. This is the Lord’s command. The resources of the earth will multiply with Godliness.
* Save: Invest wisely. Save for old age, and leave an inheritance. Traditionally, the generations have cared for each other alternately, the adult parents – children, the adult children of the aging parents.
* Medical care: focus on prevention (healthy diet, exercise, good thoughts…), not drugs.
* Live in harmony with the environment; steward the animals, plants, and earth.

If the 2020 election truly was an accurate polling/representation of the will of the American people, then the moral tone of America has gone very far to the left. If so, I attribute this to America losing a right/Godly/Biblical moral standard. If the 2020 election was fraudulent, America must endure an unelected oligarchic tyranny. Our great, Godly, and lawful country will come only with a massive return to Godliness – a third great awakening.

The general Democrat platform appeals to the flesh – covetousness/envy/jealousy, and sexual appetite. The Democrats divide people by identity/self/tribe/race/orientation and use the fervor of group interest to cobble together a coalition of the oppressed and victimized. We should be unified in our commitment to Godliness and opposed to evil. But evil has acquired the appearance of good, and Satan is establishing his kingdom. The Democrat strategy of obtaining power through the color of democracy is fundamentally flawed, Godless, and immoral.

Joe Biden is merely the current puppet head of the satanic kingdom on Earth. He, and his regime, are pawns of the spirit world who use miraculous power to implant thoughts and stimulate emotions to motivate men to act in self-interest alone. Evil, the anti-Biblical, demonic/satanically inspired acts of men, advances the Satanic Kingdom.

The acts of men are spiritual offerings. Every act gives energy to one kingdom or the other. Every act is a type of worship, a sacrifice that empowers their respective lords. Satan and his demons are motivated to stimulate the passions of men in the service of evil. Evil acts feed their passion, satisfy their hunger, and recharge their ability to do satanic miracles. The battle between heaven and hell in man’s minds/hearts/souls/spirits will continue until the Lord returns and locks evil away the man. Until then, we must resist evil. We must say no to the temptations of evil and be wise in its discernment.  We must fill our hearts and minds with the love of God, neighbor, and self and serve the Lord by doing good works.


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