Live the Bible and Vote – Book Summary

by | Aug 10, 2023 | Books/Literature | 0 comments

Live the Bible and Vote – 3000 Word Jacket Cover Intro
By Thomas Lee Abshier, ND
Copyright 2023

Live the Bible and Vote is an analysis of the justification for using the Bible as a standard of morality in the conduct of personal, group, and government acts.

The 1947 Everson vs. Board of Education opinion of the SCOTUS used the premise of “A high wall of separation between church and state” to prohibit the Christian church from influencing state decisions.  Thomas Jefferson originally used the phrase when he assured the Danbury Baptist Association that the government would never interfere in the church’s affairs because of the wall of separation between church and state. Throughout American history, Christianity and the Bible have been tightly intertwined in the acts of government, and the principles of the Bible are the foundation of the Constitution. The greatness and prosperity of America can be plausibly and causally linked. For this reason, the Bible should continue to be included in the culture, schools’ curriculum, the halls of legislature, the courts of the land, and the administrative offices of local, state, and national governments. The dethroning of God, the Bible, and the Lordship of Jesus from our culture and government can only be categorized as a Satanic coup, and we have witnessed the decay of America because of turning our backs on the source of all life and blessing.

To recover the shining city on a hill, Camelot, the promised land joy of America, political theorists have anointed “Liberty” as the new highest principle of goodness. Libertarianism is the most seductive form of the Secular Humanist religion. This religion judges all human interactions based on the principle that only free acts are good. Of course, this is incorrect, so these qualifiers were added; all acts which are not acts of aggression and are agreed upon by mutual contract are good, lawful, and to be allowed. But this philosophy of government and moral conduct allows for any sexual behavior and calls it good. But such behaviors are expressly anti-Biblical. Thus, strict libertarianism, elevating Liberty as the highest moral virtue, is at odds with Biblical Christianity. As such, Libertarianism is used to enroll Satanic occupation of Americans’ hearts, souls, and lives. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers, principalities, and rulers in high places.

Science has been used as a justification for non-belief in God. Most Americans do not understand physics in great depth, hold scientists as authorities on the mysteries of the universe, and accept their opinions about creation and evolution as fact. The result is that people adopt the opinions of men of science about the ultimate nature of reality, the origin of life, and God’s existence.

In general, Science defends and advocates the non-existence of God. Science argues that the postulate of God is unnecessary, given that quantum mechanics offers a plausible origin of the universe (i.e., Virtual Particles appear to arise out of nothing; therefore, the universe may have also arisen from literally nothing). Likewise, evolution offers a plausible explanation for the appearance of life (i.e., gradual changes and survival advantages of modifications). Thus, Occam’s Razor is imposed by Science (i.e., the correct/real solution is the simpler postulate) as a justification for excluding God since adding a hypothetical God is a more complicated explanation of the universe than a universe without Him. But this logic fails when examining the multiplication of explanatory entities necessary to explain time, energy, space, and mass and the laws they follow.

I believe God’s origin is an unknowable mystery. I do not attempt to penetrate or postulate how God could have originated. Such postulation is impossible to fathom. But the postulation of the universe, mass, and energy from literally nothing is equally unfathomable and mysterious. If mass can arise from literally nothing, then using the same assumption, God can arise from literally nothing. At that point, the question is, “Which postulate of initial ex nihilo origin is a more productive/useful explanation of the universe?”

Having postulated God’s existence as a point of consciousness, how could God manifest the physical universe? Because of a revelatory altered state vision, whose circumstances seemed divinely directed, I saw the relationship between Father, Son, and the creation as a projection of the Father, as a duplication of His Consciousness as the Son. (This explains God saying to Moses, when asked His name, “I Am, That, I Am.” The Son is the same existence as the Father.)

The Son was given the responsibility of creating the entire creation, including the spirit of man. (John 1:1-4In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.  In him was life; and the life was the light of men.)

The Son created zillions of what I call “Conscious Points,” creating them by imagination as points of consciousness from which to view Himself and the other Conscious Points. All of space is densely filled with Conscious Points.  He gave rules of relationship to each of the Conscious Points – rules by which they attract and repel each other given their distance and velocity. The metric of space is absolute and likewise created as Conscious Points, which do not interact or move and serve as reference points to give absolute position and absolute velocity. Conscious Points interact in Moments, which are discreet periods including three distinct domains: 1) perception, 2) computation, and 3) action.

Of course, the God-created/originated Conscious Point postulate conforms more massively/more tightly to the required simplicity of Occam’s Razor. To maintain the commitment to a Godless universe, conventional physics has allowed a near-infinite multiplication of universes, each with unique properties of nature, to produce our universe accidentally. But if universes arise out of nothing, a more straightforward solution would be pre-universe/pre-creation/pre-God nothingness, in which a near-infinite number of Gods boil out of nothing. If this is the case, then the assumption of our God being one of many gods makes the origin of evil very simple. If all other universes/gods have a different set of physical constants, and theirs can’t support life, but they can affect our universe, then plausibly, they are the evil spirits that are pulling us to unGodliness.

But rather than believing in a multiverse, I choose to believe that our God is the only God, and he created all of creation, and there is none beside Him. In this construction of reality, I believe there is a way of organization of His creation, the configuration of the Conscious Points, which is pleasing to Him, and that which opposes His will and way.  I believe He is the God of the good, the lovely, the healthy, joyous, and prosperous. I believe all that is not in “His Way” is what we define as evil. I believe He (through the Son) created all that is, including evil spirits. I don’t know if He created evil spirits by allowing a rebellion and throwing down a third of the angels, turning them into demons, or self-forming into demons because of being cast out of His presence.

Alternatively, God/The Son created the demons and gave them an appetite for the blood, pain, sorrow/unhappiness, and control of men. When I sin, I partake in the pleasures of evil and create a contract, a debt, an obligation to give my blood/life as payment for consuming the pleasure of evil, and I must pay that debt to the demons/Satan/realm of evil for that pleasure of evil. The demons can use that life/blood, that energy, that organization to power the performance of s-miracles (satanic miracles). Christ died on the cross as an innocent man. Satan shed His blood, took his life, and inflicted pain in His torture, but it was not legal, not warranted. Thus, the death of Jesus Christ was not used to pay His debt – He had none. Thus, the death of Jesus is an unclaimed credit on Satan’s ledger.  As believers in that sacrifice, as disciples, as followers of Him, as men who submit to His will and way as our Lord, we can ask and pray for our account to be cleared and our debt to be canceled. His credit is never consumed. His death was unwarranted, and He still owns the credit for that unrighteous judgment and execution. He loans us His credit; we are cleansed, clear our debt with Satan, and return His credit to Him.  Go and sin no more.

God gave us the rules of the Bible to guide us in righteousness. When we live in His will and way, He can bless us, and life works well.  When we organize our group/nation according to His way, the nation/group prospers. Our nation has turned away from His law, making reading it illegal in public school indoctrination. People follow their animal instincts naturally, but animal instincts do not give us a clue as to the proper moderation of those appetites.  In the excess and deficiency of the satisfaction of the animal appetites, the will and way of the Lord are violated.  His way is found by following His laws (loving God) and loving neighbor as self. We are to love one another as He loved us. There is a standard, and we should walk in it, and the easiest way (probably the only way) is to read the Bible and apply it in your life.  We should do this individually and then influence the group to apply the same principles in the group context. In this way, we can Make America Godly Again.

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