Are You Qualified to be US President?

by | Sep 12, 2023 | Christianity in Politics, Godly Human Sexuality, Personal, Politics | 0 comments

Is Running for US President My Best Strategy to Make America Godly Again?

From: Grant
To: Thomas

Grant: Hi Thomas, I read your essay on the “Rural-Urban Divide.”  I like the content.  I have thought & prayed about it, and I have a question about the appropriateness of your Presidential run. Is that the best role for you to make a difference for God and America?

You clearly want to push America to embrace Christ at the center of American politics. Given your admission of inherent personal weaknesses, do you think there would be an overall benefit (better receptivity, enhanced credibility, increased reach, efficient use of time & resources, more people saved for Christ, etc.) if you positioned yourself as a thinker, thought leader, change-agent, critical analyst, voter educator/stimulator, concerned citizen-patriot, Scientist/Christian, mission-inspirer, fear-diminisher, truth-exposer, etc., etc., etc., than as a Presidential candidate?

Thomas: Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and intense involvement with my project. Your confrontation of the obvious is very much appreciated. You have correctly identified the lengthy list of roles I am attempting to fill in my quest to move the nation’s allegiance toward Biblical Godliness and accepting Christ as the Lord of each soul in America. As I discussed with you recently, I have a weakness in choosing the best solution in an unfamiliar circumstance. I am consciously working on attempting to remedy that by becoming familiar with the moral-social-economic issues of the day.

Grant: As I said previously, I am proud of you for acting when many only say, “What can I do about this bad political/social situation we find ourselves in?” Your confession of personal weaknesses prompted me to flip the coin over and think more about your strengths and opportunities. With the country and world’s situation, the short time remaining before economic collapse or societal unrest, and hence the need for urgency, I feel focusing on strengths and opportunities is the winning theme. I see you more in the camp of Thomas Sowell, Victor Davis Hanson, Dr. Judith Curry, and others, rather than that of Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, etc.

Thomas: You are correct. I am a thinker-philosopher, and to be considered in the ranks of Sowell et al. is a high praise. But I’m trying to do more than educate or develop new strategies for solving America’s problems. What America needs now is action. As a thinker-philosopher/writer/speaker only, I would restrict my scope of action to encouraging others to organize and act on my ideas. I don’t see anyone willing to take up the mantle/cross/banner that I wave.

The question for me is, “Can I be adequately effective as a leader, planner, and organizer to get the job done?” I know I’m not the best choice for an executive position because I haven’t played that role in a large organization, and I know I have difficulty making decisions when I don’t have enough information. But I’m working to overcome that deficiency by researching the possible degrees of freedom and options available to solve America’s problems. If I don’t get elected, I will continue to work as a thinker behind the scenes, but this is not my first choice. I am running for President and presenting myself as a philosopher-thinker-strategist with a plan to implement those solutions. Rather than disqualify myself, I will let the nation and God decide if I’m adequately qualified. If elected, I will serve; if not, I will have presented my ideas and given the world my template for transformation. The campaign will challenge me to grow in the areas required by the job. The process itself will be a gauntlet that will prepare me to fill the role of Chief Executive.

Grant: I wonder if the time and money spent running for the highest elected office would be as valuable to the cause you champion as a focused effort to, say, distill down the chaos of today’s culture/society to laypersons’ terms, argue for the return of Christ-centered thinking, expose & debunk the follies and induced fears of the religion of Climate Change, and suggest the positive actions people could take with what you and I might call a proper worldview?

Thomas: Many substantial changes, distributed widely through the culture and government, must be adopted and implemented to reverse the decay and destruction led by our current social-political system. A multi-layered, widely directed corrective plan must be developed, and an organized coalition of popular support unified around that plan will be necessary. To that end, I’m developing position papers and articles examining the issues and proposing solutions. I don’t see anyone else in the current field of candidates with my perspective.

As a Naturopathic physician, I spent 30 years looking at dysfunctional conditions from a root cause and fundamental cure perspective. In my assessment, the cause of our national decay is ignorance of, and rebellion against, God’s Law. I don’t see anyone in the current field willing to stand for the uncompromising implementation of Godliness in the culture that will be required to cure the cause of our national illness.

Every candidate I support agrees with the need to solve the basic problems (corruption, lax enforcement of law, and excessive regulation). Referencing Thoreau, most of society’s problems are branches on the tree of evil. We must hack at its root. That root is the incorrect moral-spiritual alignment of the nation’s citizens, culture, and government. Of course, in my campaign, I intend to address the specifics of eliminating corruption, wisely allocating resources, and ensuring free speech and honest/unbiased science. But to deeply solve our nation and world’s problems, we must be overtly connected to the context of our spiritual allegiance to God and His moral standards.

I am running a write-in campaign. I expect people to NOT vote for me if I am not the obvious winner by the time of the election. If I am not the projected winner, I will throw my support to the candidate who best champions the posture of Godliness and righteous solutions to America’s problems and most closely aligns with my agenda and principles.

Given the current steady capitulation to those who celebrate sexual sin, I do not believe any other candidate, now or in the foreseeable future, will propose solving our national problems by overtly acknowledging the God of the Bible in our homes, schools, culture, and government. I intend to introduce that possibility, open the discussion, say the unspeakable, and advocate for the currently held as “morally abhorrent” position of national Godliness.

We have embraced and celebrated sexual sin as a nation. Our churches have censored and rewritten the Bible to eliminate its clear condemnation of sexual sin. Covert practitioners and advocates have infiltrated the clergy, and then the church hierarchy and the culture have pressured the church. The church has capitulated. The common man, corporations, and governmental agencies have been convinced to accept and celebrate sexual sin. In so doing, they were unknowingly seduced into embracing the gospel of Satan while simultaneously rejecting the God and moral precepts of the Bible.

As a nation, we are well down the road toward embracing the doctrines of demons and incorporating them into our body of legislation. America and the world will suffer the consequences of God’s wrath – we must resume our role as the “shining city on a hill” and advocate openly and boldly embrace the Gospel as our guiding national principle. Our chosen Chief Executive should openly lead us in national repentance and reconciliation with God. Yes, I have personal weaknesses, but I am willing to stand against the unGodliness that plagues our nation.

  • I don’t intend to spend much money on my campaign – only the amount I can afford from my personal income. My major expense will be the cost of developing the website, which is largely complete.
  • I don’t intend to take donations or be on the ballot, which will remove me from the paperwork/reporting requirements of the FEC. My lawyer has informed me that my Presidential run, as I have configured it, falls under the “free speech” category and is not subject to the requirements of election regulation.
  • Additional expenses, larger than I can afford, may be associated with email or video bandwidth if this project becomes large. I may charge a nominal subscription fee for the newsletter or channel to cover these expenses.
  • I may drive around the country and talk to groups, which will be another modest expense.
  • I am not taking donations to avoid obligations to special interests.
  • I plan to do podcasts and video interviews with established shows and may start my own podcast.
  • I plan to post YouTube videos on topics and publish the more controversial videos on Rumble.
  • My major focus will be enrolling Coalition cell leaders and supporting them in being as bold as lions in their testimony and advocacy of the elevation of God’s Word/His will and Way as the national standard.
  • When the Coalition cells get larger than 150 members, I expect new members to form a new Coalition cell. Mature members from filled groups may choose to lead the newly formed groups.

Grant: My concern is that attempting to garner votes for Dr. T. would detract from other, more electable conservative Christian candidates. Might it not be more productive to redirect voters toward local and national candidates who are at least partially aligned with your goals?

Thomas: I agree. I do not want to take votes from good candidates who are more likely winners.

  • On my site,, in the “Vote” section, I make it clear that I am a write-in candidate. I explicitly state that I do not want anyone to vote for me unless they are certain I will win.
  • I study the platforms of the conservative candidates and incorporate their positions into my own. I study the platforms of the liberal candidates and develop Godly solutions to the social, environmental, economic, and political issues they identify as problems.
  • If I do not get enough support by the time of the election, I want to be able to use the support I have developed in my coalition to exert the force of a righteous/Godly voting bloc in support of the candidate(s) that most closely aligns with my stands. I want the Coalition to be able to exert pressure at the ballot box for the entire slate of Conservative Christian candidates. I want the Coalition to outlive me, to discern the character of primary candidates, to support Godly candidates, and to pressure legislators into enacting Godly legislation.

My campaign strategy is to increase my support slowly and widely as an underground movement. As it matures, it will gain more public attention and be recognized as a social force/phenomenon. I see word of my candidacy and the Coalition being spread by word-of-mouth. I believe if I have a clearly articulated a comprehensive and actionable template for the sanctification and administration of the nation, that support/enrollment will be easily won.

The backbone/heart of this strategy is the creation of a coalition of thousands of Coalition cells nationwide. I want the groups to form in a locality where they can physically meet, but virtual meetings may be necessary initially and in rural or sparsely populated areas.

  • The substance/purpose/content of the group’s meetings/study/work may include many possible topics: 1) discuss the content of my website, 2) review the facts about the day’s issues, 3) review the qualification and stands of candidates, 3) review pending legislation for action on modification, support, or defeat, 4) discuss/debate and brainstorm about causes and solutions to current and chronic local, state, and national problems, and 5) to examine the fundamental nature of reality and the logic underlying Biblical morality, etc.
  • The topics are so numerous, weighty, emergent, and chronic that the Coalition cell’s function should be perpetual/ongoing for generations. This organization can be the vehicle by which the common man is actually empowered to affect the democratic process.
  • I see the Coalition as the necessary vehicle for the average citizen’s effective involvement in affecting the nation’s direction. Many pundits have noted the need for the electorate to be informed and involved in their government, but there has been no easily accessible vehicle for that involvement.
  • I believe the Coalition will provide that vehicle. Every American should belong to a Coalition cell. Each cell can debate, monitor, and initiate policy, candidates, and philosophy. As Americans, we must be informed and involved. Without the pressure of being watched, professional politicians will likely fall prey to the ancient temptation to trade their influence for personal advantage. We should elect a man or woman because we trust his/her character and commitment to Godliness.
  • Every person has a different passion. I see work in the Coalition as volunteer, community service work. Those interested in monitoring corruption can work in Coalition committees to review transcripts and AI summaries of lobbyist-representative meetings. The principles of transparency and accountability may be exercised to exert a correcting force on elected representatives. Every elected official and the administrators who convert law into policy should be accountable to an informed and action-capable constituency.
  • Feedback to the representative can be delivered by email, letter, blog post, or meetings. The individual Coalition cells that identify fraud, influence trading, insider trading, and propaganda…, from their representatives/administrators, and can notify other Coalition cells and form a coalition of cells to exert pressure to act, stop, reform, or initiate.
  • Membership in a Coalition cell should be a part of everyone’s community involvement. It is the price of freedom. The Coalition should be a place to socialize, worship, and act. The Coalition cells should be a place of personal support and sharing, family involvement, conversation and fellowship, application of Scripture to political issues, and debate about the interpretation of Scripture.  The Coalition cells should be a place of evangelism, outreach, and community involvement.
  • That Coalition should encourage boldness in its members to witness the Gospel by answering questions, formulating answers, creating action plans for government agencies, voter registration and education, candidate vetting, and identifying emerging trends, threats, and solutions.
  • I see the Coalition as an organ of organization, a vehicle to mobilize to support or oppose legislation, elect candidates, and boycott or buycott products.
  • Through my campaign, I hope membership in the Coalition cells will become popular. The cells should each be autonomous but connected. The cells should debate issues and policies internally and consult with the other Coalition cells to form alliances to support issues.
  • I envision the coalitions as self-organizing entities that will be self-perpetuating and supportive of Godliness in all areas of life. The coalition, or coalitions of coalitions, may want to collect dues and hire a lobbyist to advocate for their positions. If dues are charged, then incorporation may be necessary.
  • I see the coalition as a community, a political church, an extended family, a voting bloc, a debating society, a social and blogging group, and an educational entity.
  • I see each Coalition cell openly forming its own rules/ideas/bylaws, sharing its successes/failures, and interlocking with other Coalition cells to produce a nationwide and ultimately worldwide interpersonal force for personal-societal-spiritual transformation.

In your comment about Thomas Sowell and VDH, you implied that I could follow them and write books and articles as they do. That may be possible. That is the path I followed until April of 2023 when I changed my strategy to presenting my ideas in the context of a Presidential campaign.

I shifted my focus because I assessed that my impact would be small on the path of the thinker-philosopher. As we see in the current social trend to ban politically incorrect speech, I suspect my writing will be canceled/censored. My stand and writing do not compromise on condemning sexual sin and advocating the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Such ideas are no longer tolerated in polite/politically correct/woke society and media. I noted that even if my writing attained blockbuster status, selling a few million books, even 10 or 20 million, the impact on the trajectory of society would be limited.

I believe the Bible is the Word of Truth inspired by God. We may have some trouble interpreting the truth from our reading of the Bible, but I believe that the Holy Spirit speaks through it to us in the particular issue/situation we bring to it. Truth is there, but finding/determining/divining that Truth may require listening, applying the message gleaned, and iterating the cycle. We learn more about the source powering/precipitating society’s problems and the complexity of the interactions of personal and social forces in each pass through the cycle of examination, planning, and implementing solutions.

Given the current propaganda regime in which we live, my writing would almost certainly be censored by many publications. Hence, my decision to propagate this movement as a person-to-person enrolment process. The number of people initially resonating with my uncompromising position may be small, or it may unleash a groundswell of support by the frustrated and voiceless zealots who have remained silent and ineffective in their structurally imposed atomization/isolation and silencing due to their lack of access to the public megaphone.

Is it possible to win the hearts of 80 million committed adherents to my message? I believe the first few thousand who sign up as leaders of Coalition cells will be extraordinarily energetic networkers who feel frustrated and voiceless. I want to give them a tool to direct their energy into effective action.

Many tentative and previously uninvolved Christians must be trained and given confidence that the word of God is valuable, trustworthy, powerful and worthy of elevation to the standard of societal morality. In 2014, 70% of the adult population declared themselves to be Christians.

Society would quickly change if a significant percentage of our nation’s Christian population were trained and given a vision/paradigm that made them feel confident enough to witness boldly. If the Christian vote were unified and mobilized, it would overwhelm the ballot/election system.

I became bold because of a divine revelation. I experienced something akin to Paul’s road to Damascus experience. Seeing the universe’s construction intimately connected to God’s existence and the working of God’s hand through the flow of history from the creation to the creation of man to the incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus eliminated my confusion about moral choices. Seeing the plan and purpose of God in creating man as His object of love and relationship gave me the strength to witness the gospel boldly. My hope in reforming America, bringing a revival of faith, and stimulating a renewal of Godly fervor for personal and corporate righteousness lies in exposing the people to the message.

The challenge I face in this quest is impossible without a miraculous move of God. My goal is to educate, testify, offer contingencies for action, and organize for collective action toward the end of changing the hearts/minds/acts of individuals and groups to self-discipline their belief systems and actions to conform to the will and way of God (as we see reflected in the Bible).

  • I could try to focus/frame myself as a thought leader, write books, do seminars, etc., and gain a following and influence by repeatedly exposing them to my ideas. This positioning would be authentic because it accurately portrays/characterizes who I am and what I naturally do/say/think/write.
  • My experience of posting a website with much of the same information (articles on is that I get very few visitors, and they only spend a short time examining my work. Given this slim participation, I don’t think my writing will produce the transformation of America I envision as possible and necessary. I don’t want to spend a lot of energy attempting to get a following for a blog, training program, or seminar.
  • By comparison, I got thousands of visitors when I ran for senate in 2004 on my website. Of course, there was comparatively little censorship then, and I am sure my message would be hidden now.
  • I’ve dedicated my life to promoting the message of God’s existence and His relevance to living a Godly life since 1987.
  • My passion for political action and my bold proclamation of the gospel started with what I believe was a divine revelation/insight into the fundamental relationship of the physical universe to God. I also saw the logical connection of the Gospel message to the structure of the universe, God’s purpose in creating the creation, and why Jesus’ death was necessary and effective.
  • The presidential campaign effort seems like the most integrated way to connect the abstract concepts of God, the Bible, and physics with an outlet for action.

The campaign’s urgency has focused my thoughts and forced me to organize my agenda into a holistic consideration of the cause, situation, and solution necessary to make a difference in America’s people’s culture and character. There are many aspects to healing the nation. I believe this is God’s calling for me to pursue. During the first half of my life, I did not have a clear direction – no profession or lifework incorporated my wide-ranging interests and studies. The second half of my life, since 1987, has been consciously chosen to prepare me to engage with this project.

  • My innate talents are in the thinker, staff person, and innovator/advocate role. I grew up alone, living in the desert with no neighbors, so it took me a while to learn how to relate with people. At a young age, I felt obligated to develop leadership abilities, so I chose to enter the UCLA NROTC program. I developed my skills as a designer, logician, and systems thinker in my engineering and naval officer training. In my 30 years as a doctor, I developed skills as a compassionate and skilled listener, diagnostician, and problem solver. As a general contractor building houses, I developed skills in directing teams of men in accomplishing tasks and coordinating a large project. I have not managed a team even close to the size of the federal government. In preparation for occupying the office of Chief Executive, I am visualizing and virtualizing myself in that role, directing the largest team on earth. What would acting out the role of the decision-maker, the final executive decision authority, be like?
  • Each day, I build my edifice of policy, reason, and character in preparation for my role as Chief Executive. This position requires personal ability and character, knowledge, and strategy. I am attempting to prove myself as worthy and capable by engaging in a public debate on public policy and morality. I am developing a strategy, worldview, and vision that the masses find inspiring and worthy of execution. I believe this preparation will help me develop the skills and problem-solving abilities necessary to overcome my difficulty in making decisions in unfamiliar circumstances. My strategy is to immerse myself in the background/field knowledge/context of the problem and make the problem space familiar.
  • My platform is not conventional for 2023. Perhaps in 1963, a platform elevating the teachings of the Bible, with its condemnation of sexual sin, would have been a normal prerequisite for the job of US President. Today, it is not. I believe the rejection of the Bible’s morality is central to the decay of America’s urban centers.
  • In 1963, there was corruption in government, and its effect was corrosive. But the rebellion against God is now so blatant and pervasive throughout the culture that its destructive effect is now visible in the streets and markets of America.
  • We need a leader to call America back from the edge of the abyss. Someone must stand against the slide toward calling evil good and good evil. My policy agenda and philosophy of life oppose today’s common wisdom; thus, I cannot use the current governance template as my guide to correct political protocol – in fact, that template is the problem.
  • We must adopt a new workable philosophy for handling America’s crises and structural problems as a nation. I must argue persuasively that my proposed new/old moral norms are consistent with the Bible and our Founding Documents. My speech and platform must convince men that my proposed national morality is good, Godly, and American and that I have not violated the now sacrosanct meme of “separation of church and state” with my advocacy of elevating the Bible as our supreme guiding document above the Constitution, Declaration, and Bill of Rights.
  • Before people trust me as their leader, I must persuasively argue for my platform’s desirability and likely success by arguing for the efficacy of my policy agenda. The nation must see me in action, debating, interacting, and arguing my case. In this way, I will establish my character’s adequacy, ability to function in the office, and credibility as a leader. Finally, my profile must rise to the level of recognizable national prominence, and the probability of my election must be certain before I encourage my name to be written-in on the Nov 2024 ballot. I am standing ideologically naked before the world and expect a detailed examination of my performance under the stress of debate and the challenge of virtual worldbuilding.
  • I expect to receive votes and be elected only when I have widespread support for my position on the issues and have earned widespread trust in my ability and character to respond to the challenges of judgment, crises, and vision. In the meantime, I support and will vote for the man/woman at that time who appears to be the most qualified and Godly candidate for President.
  • By establishing Coalition cells, with their debate of the issues and examining the candidates, I hope to mobilize the influence of that voting bloc to significantly impact choosing a good and Godly candidate and the platform he pursues enacting in legislation.
  • I see my actions in the role of President as one of biasing the nation toward Godliness in a society-wide paradigm shift.
  • As President, I will be called to act as an acute care/ER/trauma center doctor directing triage for the nation and its crises. I do not expect to have all the answers myself. When crises arise during my term of office, I will have staff and cabinet support. I will choose men and women who embody my principles of Godly life and government as my advisors and chiefs of governmental departments. Together, we will develop the ideas/options/tactics for solving problems during crises.
  • I intend to train myself on the potential responses to various crises by examining past/current and future disaster scenarios on the national, state, local, group, and personal levels. I will always filter those potentialities through the lens of my larger theory about God’s nature and the structure of physical reality.
  • The contingency plans and hypothetical responses to disaster will be considered, processed, morphed, and filtered through prayer, meditation on Scriptural guidance, and discussions in my administration and the Coalition cells. A broad consensus should be formed about the direction and solutions for many potential scenarios. The government’s staffing resources should be employed to develop contingency plans for the spectrum of life scenarios, biased through the lens of Godly/Biblical response to disasters and chronic problems of economy, order, and environment.
  • As per the 10th Amendment, the Federal government’s purview and powers are limited to those authorized by the Constitution, and all powers not explicitly authorized are reserved for the States. This limitation has been ignored (by an overly broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause and the now-common legal caveat linking Federal aid to Federal Standard compliance). The Federal Government has effectively assumed rulership of all men in all situations, regardless of how private. This must end. The States must be responsible for setting policies and solving their problems.
  • I believe the Federal government should develop templates for life. I believe it is a good use of the Federal role to research and develop problem-solving procedures and technology documentation. We see this already implemented in the publications distributed by the government printing office in Pueblo, Colorado. This is a useful resource as it provides a tool for productivity. We need a body of contingency solutions to which we may all refer. This body of knowledge and documented procedure is a valuable national resource that makes the world better by improving social behavior and productivity. But again, adopting and enforcing standards of excellence are the purview of the States to legislate and enforce. The federal government should offer policies that convert a Godly philosophy and life principles into templates for action. The States must choose the policies which require and enforce their actualization.
  • When elected, I will support using government resources to develop a body of contingency responses to solve America’s problems. But until that time, to prove myself and to illustrate my agenda for evaluation by the nation, I am developing a body of scenarios for solving those problems. I expect feedback from the Coalition, Newsletter recipients, and those who see my videos. I expect to be critiqued closely for the positions, procedures, and protocols I advocate. The process of developing solutions to America’s problems should be a collaborative effort. I will consider and synthesize the feedback and advocate/argue for the best solution as I see it.
  • The most controversial of my policies regards the Biblical definitions of sexual sin and each State government’s declaration of it as sin. This stand will arguably be the most consequential of my stands because by standing against sexual sin, we declare ourselves aligned with God. Until then, we cannot expect His blessing, only His curse. We should love the sinner and help him recover, restore, or develop a right sense of desire. As a Godly nation, we should hold an unequivocal condemnation of sin as our national moral standard.
  • On a more tangible level, the most consequential of my policies will be a zero tolerance of corruption in the conduct of the electoral, legislative, and administrative processes.
  • We must expect verification, security, honesty, and integrity in elections, scientific research, quality control, construction, surveillance, safety, and waste disposal…
  • We should not allow IP theft, labor abuse, or environmental degradation by nations from whom we import products if we prohibit, regulate, or tax those processes in the States.
  • The government should never print money to provide services; it causes inflation, which is theft. Every debt should be overtly contracted and value repaid.
  • When considering whether to run for President or only offer my opinion as a thinker/logician/strategist, I considered the futility of writing books, speaking, and demonstrating to advocate that others act. I see the body of legislators, administrators, and jurists who establish and support immorality in public law. Our rulers now use the tools of censorship, cancellation, and banning as tools to hide their propaganda lies.
  • Democracy is the tool for the peaceful transition of power. In proper function, the ruling class cedes the reins of power to the majority’s will. Democracy allows for injecting revolutionary laws and candidates into the staid protocols and habits of government. But who is the David that will step forward to battle the Goliath of government today?
  • I am an imperfect vessel; I am an outsider. I do not have an executive’s disposition nor a Machiavellian ruler’s cunning. I don’t play 3D Chess or outwit my opponents with bluffing, threats, or insults. My approach to life is simple; I argue for Truth and expect to persuade by the force of argument. I see the benefit of Godliness and the high cost of evil policy. I am committed to reminding, confronting, and focusing on establishing a Godly government. The Truth of Biblically defined Godliness is the standard against which we must measure our government’s actions, leaders, judgments, and policies. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers. Our elected representatives have been seduced by evil, and our nation has bent to the pressure to celebrate sexual sin. As a nation and individuals, we must resist and reject the evil that has taken our government and nation captive.
  • My qualification for the office of Chief Executive is the force of my logic and my commitment to continue our heritage of Godly government. I am not exalting myself as the most capable of leading the nation, but I am willing to put myself forward as the leader/inspiration/visionary for those children of God who desire to manifest His Kingdom in our world today.
  • I am putting myself forward as a candidate to serve the nation and return it to righteousness. I see no one else standing on my platform and expressing my commitment to overtly integrating the standards of Biblically defined overt Godliness into the legislation and culture of America. I believe all other approaches and strategies for leading and legislating will be futile. Other than restoring Godly morality, I see all other policy proposals and campaign promises as treating symptoms of the underlying cause.
  • I could write books and articles and tell others about my vision. Until recently, I was resigned to writing and quietly promoting my vision for America and our government. This changed in April 2023. I had seen Ron declare on X, Vivek speak to Jordan Peterson, and then Asa and Mike declared their candidacy. They all acknowledge God, but none advocate for overt Biblical Godliness in government and society.
  • I could choose to disqualify myself as inadequate to hold the office of Chief Executive. I could choose to stay hidden in the masses of American society and speak strongly about how someone else should incorporate God into the fabric of American society and eliminate corruption.
  • But the question remains: who will actually take up that banner? Someone has to stand up and say No to evil and Yes to Biblical Godliness. Someone must take an uncompromising position against every hint of evil in government. The government should be our servant in establishing God’s standards as law and enforcing righteousness in the land. We should not fear the government when we do right, speak the truth, and stand for Godly sexuality. Government should be the tool of God to ensure compliance with His will and way. When the Lord returns, His standards will be imposed upon mankind. We can voluntarily submit to His rule and greet His return with joy. Or we can continue in rebellion and suffer the Tribulation of His Revelation. But who is advocating for converting those lofty ideals into action?
  • I may not be elected, but I am putting myself in the position of virtualizing the spectrum of duties and plans/actions/programs that must be implemented to reverse the course of our ship of state. We are on the wrong heading, going full speed ahead, and we have no heroes, champions, or human gods standing up and offering a plan for reversing the decay and renewing the flesh of American politics.
  • I am neither perfect nor the stereotypical rough rider of Reagan or Roosevelt. I am a visionary, and I am committed to manifesting that dream. If the vision for America is from God, and the people participate in making that vision real, then God can use me to accomplish His purposes. He can compensate for my human weaknesses with resources as needed. He can inspire my speech as I advocate for His template of righteous human action. He will give me words that no man can refute. When I am weak, the power of God rests upon me. He can nourish and grow that seed of this vision in the hearts of others who likewise see the possibility of the nation being a Godly Republic. If the people ask me to lead to manifest this vision, I will serve. We need a visionary and builder to manifest this glorious dream of a Godly nation.
  • Both the campaign and the actual occupancy of the office are a perfect outlet for the magnitude of my vision of transformation. The campaign is a time of framing my theories and developing solutions and templates to solve the nation’s and world’s problems. Theory, vision, and plans are good and necessary, but every builder knows that reality requires modifications. I could write books and articles, give speeches, and advocate for my vision. But someone must turn the vision into reality. My vision is comprehensive, but words can only approximate the reality. Ultimately, occupancy of the office and manifesting the vision will require a more rigorous and granular application of my theory of Godliness lived in real life. Someone must do it, live it, and lead in rebuilding America as a Godly nation.
  • Am I the best person to lead this transformation? I don’t know. I don’t see anyone else trying. I don’t think just writing books and articles and giving speeches will be adequate. Converting this vision into reality requires influencing executives, administrators, legislators, and jurists to align with and implement my vision.
  • One of the most important foundations of our nation’s turn toward unGodliness is the SCOTUS 1947 Everson vs. Board of Education ruling. In that ruling, the Supreme Court essentially banned the influence of Christian/Biblical principles on government. This must be reversed. Our Founding Fathers neither intended such separation of church and state nor was it the reality of how our nation and its government functioned throughout its history.
  • We must be willing to incorporate God back into the fiber of American life at every level. We must commit to individual holiness and incorporate Godly values, customs, and traditions into our culture and government institutions. We must incorporate Biblical Godliness into education, charity, work, contracts, justice, administration, treaties, borders, and sexuality. Who is going to advocate for righteousness? Who has the heart, blood, bone, and marrow commitment to roll back the decay of the sexual revolution, a God-free society, affirmative action, and identity politics?
  • How much impact do thinkers/writers/philosophers have? They have some, but in our balkanized society, most of the influence comes in the form of strengthening the resolve of their tribe. I propose leading an ideological revolution where America identifies evil and calls it by its name. This is a revolution against evil. We must align ourselves as individuals and as a nation and choose to punish and corral evil. We must forgive those who repent and support them in reforming and escaping the captivity of sin.
  • My stand will likely produce a large backlash/counterattack from the forces of evil. These attacks will be personal, ideological, and without opportunity for public rebuttal. My proposal does not fall into the normal evolutionary political debate and promises category. My positions are revolutionary, and they will create an upheaval as do all revolutions. We have gone far enough down the road of moral compromise with evil to suffer severe consequences when we attempt to reverse its gains. The decay has penetrated some churches.
  • Some churches have compromised Biblical principles to be “seeker-friendly” and “tolerant.” The motivation may be sincerely misguided or to increase membership among the vast numbers of woke and politically correct. The doctrine of tolerating sin is unBiblical as the Bible explicitly condemns sexual sin but offers forgiveness with repentance. The Bible admonishes us to turn from sin, hate evil, and love the sinner. This moral reversal, celebrating sexual sin, is central to our fall as a nation. In this, Churches have Incorporated the doctrines of demons and given solace, support, and comfort to the enemy of our souls.
  • As a candidate, I face the almost impossible obstacle of reaching sufficient social consensus to be elected Chief Executive. Such a possibility is in the far remote regions of idea and possibility space. To be elected will require a revolutionary transformation of the social consensus.
  • The grip of Satan on the public conscience is so great that few advocate a reversal of the social movement to approve and celebrate sexual sin.
  • The demons have reason to be confident of their anticipated total victory. They know that sexuality is the proxy for men’s allegiance to Satan or God. A nation that celebrates sexual sin cannot allow Biblical Christianity to survive as a legally honored philosophy. The advocates of unGodly sexuality are working tirelessly to eventually issue bold edicts banning the practice of this “hateful” religion of Christianity. We must stem the tide of evil. We cannot accommodate its existence as an acceptable alternative philosophy. It must be named and condemned as evil, demonic, and unGodly. It must be opposed and unequivocally countered. There can be no compromise with evil. We will suffer greatly if we do not openly oppose and reclaim the ground taken by evil.
  • The beachhead landing must be established somewhere, and someone must plan and lead the invasion. I am imperfect on many levels, but I am willing to serve. I am willing to speak the Truth of God’s standard. I am willing to call sexual sin a crime against God. Declaration of sexual sin as a crime and prescription for its punishment is the purview/jurisdiction of the States. But as the nation’s leader, I will advocate that the States enact whatever laws are necessary, from reprimand to fine or incarceration for the commission of unGodly sexuality, whatever its form.
  • I am willing to advocate for the complete abolition of corruption in government. The list is long; see the book, “Mafia Democracy,” by Michael Franzese for graphic examples of converting influence into personal gain. The perfection of the American dream suffers when we allow justice, law, and commerce to be shaped to benefit individuals at the expense of the whole.
  • I believe standing on the solid rock of Biblical principles should be the foundation of individual life, society, and government. Biblical morality may have once been the underlying assumption of society, but that day has passed. We must recreate that reality by examining the logical framework of the implications of a Godly society. We can start by creating a virtual/locker-room/game plan list of contingencies for action and projected social effects. Having an idea, a plan, and a vision for how the future may look allows people to live in the simulated/mind-world of the Kingdom of Heaven. In this virtual space, we can visualize how the world will look when organized around Biblical principles.
  • I see this as my role. I am a thinker and a man of action. I am committed to turning ideas into reality. I may run this campaign for the rest of my life, acting only as a thought leader, but I am preparing myself for actually stepping into the role of Chief Executive and directing the changes I advocate.
  • The costs and benefits of attempting to reverse the flow of the battle can be estimated when the plans are clearly articulated. If people see/envision/imagine what the world looks like when organized around God’s will and way, they may be willing to make revolutionary leaps required to implement the changes in worldview and moral standards required for society to live within the guidelines of the Biblical standards.
  • I believe we were all put here for a purpose: to serve in a unique role no one else can fill. I first had the idea of running for US President in 1986. I registered to run with the Oregon Secretary of State in 1988 but quickly abandoned that dream. Nevertheless, it exposed me to the harsh reality of a campaign. I have consciously prepared myself for that role since that time.
  • I ran as a Candidate in the Republican primary for the US Senate in 2004 and received 50,000 votes – the winner got 82,000. I participated in the politics of the naturopathic profession and have actively written about political issues in my blog through the years.
  • I had what I believe was a divine revelation in 1987 that God is real, omnipresent, and yet separate, and He used the sacrifice of Jesus to restore his relationship with Him. This realization/revelation changed me, and at that moment, I saw my destiny to advocate Jesus as King/Lord/Creator of Heaven and Earth. I believe my message/revelation is important and should be known and hopefully adopted by this and future generations.
  • I don’t think writing about it from the posture of a philosopher will have enough power/effect to penetrate the entrenched power structures of government and culture. I think putting myself into the role of the potential Chief Executive and documenting my plans for implementing my ideas is the strongest posture I can assume to make them real.
  • I feel compelled to present my ideas to spread to a larger audience and offer to serve as their midwife/chaperone in birthing them into reality.  I hope they will eventually penetrate the world and be adopted by all peoples, tongues, and tribes. In the meantime, my strategy is to study, meditate, pray, and document my vision.
  • The core of my strategy to implement change and pass my vision onto the generations is the formation of the Coalition. I believe creating a culture of Coalition cells that participate socially, intellectually and worshipfully will be the seed that carries my vision into manifestation. I may not see the inside of the White House as the Chief Executive, but positioning myself as a serious/participating actively campaigning candidate places me in the conversation where action springs. Maybe all I can do is be the ideological focus for action, but in that role, maybe action will be taken that moves my ideas closer to manifestation.
  • My physics, philosophy, and theology reframe reality as the meeting point between the material and spiritual worlds. I believe we must operate in concert with the rules and forces governing God’s world. We must correctly conceive the spiritual and physical reality/law to effectively guide our efforts to harmonize the physical world with the spiritual ideal.

In short, I think the Presidential campaign vehicle provides the most natural and rational context for manifesting my goal. The short timeline (to the 2024 election and the massive and widespread shift in paradigm necessary for the masses to embrace my stand) makes victory seem improbable in this cycle. Thus, I may be relegated to the role of thinker/philosopher by the facts of the circumstances. If I am unable to enroll sufficient support to be able to win in the present election, I will probably have presented my ideas before more people than if I had limited my role to philosopher/thinker only.

I see the evolution toward catastrophic decay and subjugation of civilization to global governance. These looming possibilities inspire me to act, publish, promote, and enroll hearts and minds. It is time to take action. The campaign is a familiar vehicle; I’ve traveled in it before. The vision is becoming clearer each day. The internal, external, ideological, and procedural obstacles are gradually being overcome. I feel the winds of inspiration and vision at my back, propelling me toward action. The magnitude, complexity, and energy required to win a campaign against the forces of evil is overwhelming. This campaign will only prosper if God blesses it, and I believe God will only bless it if I plan out the scenarios of a Godly government restructure.

The role of thinker/educator may be the only actual expression of this campaign, but I dream of participating in making these changes a reality. I may not be the best, most qualified, most talented, and most gifted man to fulfill the role of Chief Executive, but I have that dream, and it feels real and possible to me. I have the vision of a world where people actually live and organize society according to the principles of Biblical Godliness.

This campaign is not about me, my talents, or my abilities. I depend on God to bring support where needed, to fill in the weaknesses of my flesh, and to be the strong tower of strength upon which I can depend. And you are correct; my disposition and weaknesses are incompatible with the position of Chief Executive. Nevertheless, I am called to proclaim this vision, to make its reality come alive in the masses’ minds. I feel called to strengthen the body of Christ and inspire individuals to bold action and uncompromising expressions of God’s truth. I am willing to serve in that position if it is God’s will.

Thanks, Grant. That was great feedback and a good challenge!

Let’s leave my thoughts at that for now, and let me know your reaction to the questions I pose to you above.

Seek the Truth!


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