Critique of Utopianism (Socialism)

Here is a summary of the key points in the email: 1. Looking Backward presents the socialist/utopian vision of concentrating all capital production and distribution enterprises under state control as the solution to the problems of capitalism. This would allow central...

Money, Productivity, & Prosperity

By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 6/11/2011 Summary: Part 1: In this essay I propose a new paradigm for increasing the money supply without inflation, reaching full employment, and steadily increasing the wealth of all economic classes. Summary: Part 2:  Like a watch or...

Nation Building

By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 11/26/2010 Overview: The following is a short development of the next point in the theory of how to return America to prosperity. The key is giving, short term sacrifice, teaching righteous law and government, and the unemployed working to...

Fair Trade

by: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 4/25/2004 Dear Thomas, I have a great concern for the economic future of the United States. The source of all wealth is production. All other jobs service that production or service those who benefit from that production. The policies of our...

Government, Banking, Free Market, and Money

By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 6/12/2009 Because of their access to large quantities of money, the banking industry may have had an inordinate effect on the governmental-economic dynamic.  With wealth, it is possible to stabilize and enhance one’s position in the market...

The Creature from Jekyll Island

The Creature from Jekyll Island (Transcript of YouTube Video) By: G. Edward Griffin Commentary by: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND July 15, 2009 GEG: The Federal Reserve System is a strange creature; it is easier to say what it is not than what it is.  Most people think it is...

Bear Stearns and Full Disclosure

By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 5/8/2010 What was the culpability of Wall Street leaders in the collapse? While Wall Street and the banking industry was not the source of the subprime mortgages, they bundled and sold them to unsuspecting investors as AAA rated investments....

This is why there are no jobs in America

By: Porter Stansberry Monday, May 23, 2011 10/8/2010,  WND This Is Why There Are No Jobs in America I’d like to make you a business offer. Seriously, this is a real offer. In fact, you really...

The Age of Robots

What happens to money, prices, wages, savings, possessions, work, and the purpose of life when the machines do everything for us? John, you are right, the robots will take over most jobs, eventually, but timeline is not clear yet.  Taking over creativity will take...