Privatized Police

Here is a summary of the key points: • The article criticizes the state’s monopoly on law and order and taxation as inherently unjust and prone to abuse. Private law and competitive security providers are proposed as alternatives. • The state is described as the...

America’s Foundation Burning

Here is a summary of the key points from the essay: 1. Limited government is only possible when citizens adhere to moral self-regulation based on biblical principles. Unrestrained self-interest tends to result in tyranny. 2. A libertarian model based solely on market...

Local Government

Here is a summary of the key points from the essay: 1. Government control tends to increase over time. An example includes the original French “leftists” who advocated limiting government and abolishing special privileges, but later became tyrannical...

Market Driven Government

Here is a summary of the key points from the essay: 1. A market-driven government that relies solely on economic forces to regulate behavior and allocate resources faces challenges. While harnessing self-interest, it may neglect other human needs. 2. Government...

Ayn Rand & Freedom

A summary of the key points: 1. Thomas agrees with the principle of freedom from government imposition but argues that some level of rules and laws are inevitable for groups of people. 2. He argues that communities should have the right to choose their moral system...

Liberty as the Highest Principle

The key points in the exchange are: 1. John argues that initiated force is barbarism and civil society is based on the non-aggression principle. But bad choices are to be counseled against, not met with initiated force. 2. Thomas agrees that offensive, unprovoked...

A System of Selfish Greed

Summary of the key points of the essay below: Ayn Rand makes some thought-provoking critiques of altruism and capitalism, but her definitions are narrow and seem shaped by her harsh upbringing under Soviet rule. The Bible provides a more nuanced view – we should...

Is Government Inherently Evil?

Here is a summary of the key points: 1. Woods and Casey argue that limited government is an oxymoron because government by its nature tends to expand and abuse its powers. They take an anarcho-capitalist stance that government is inherently evil and should not be...

Libertarian Action Through History

Here is a summary of the key points in the response: 1. The article draws flawed analogies between libertarianism today and past movements for abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, and free speech. 2. The author argues that freedom and liberty are not the...

Meritocracy vs. Aristocracy

The key points are: 1. The author argues that the founders hoped leaders would be chosen based on wisdom, character and life experience, not aristocratic lineage. 2. The author claims privilege can insulate people from life’s consequences, making them poorly...

Inalienable Rights

The key points of the response are: 1. The author argues that inalienable rights are ideals, not requirements, since they have often been abridged in history. They represent optimum possibilities of human experience. 2. The author believes God created desires and...

Addiction to Power & Control

The key points in the essay are: 1. The author argues that some people pursue power for its own sake, to satisfy a desire for the pleasurable feeling of power itself. 2. The author contends that power produces a neurological response similar to an addictive drug,...

Prohibition And Legalization

Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 10/23/2009 Today on the Fox Business News, High Noon segment, the commentators considered the issue of legalizing medical marijuana.  They argued that legalization would lower the crime rate by reducing incentives for gang and organized crime,...

The Reluctant Anarchist

(Quotes from SOBRAN’S, December 2002, pages 3–6) by Tom Sobran: Entire essay found at: Commentary by: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 10/1/2010 Thomas This argument assumes that the state will inevitably, unavoidably, necessarily, logically,...

The Implied Social Contract

By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 10/31/2010 Introduction and Summary: The implied social contract is that having been born in a nation, that we have an obligation to follow the laws of the land.  John (in an email thread below) makes the following statement, “No human or...

Justification for War

by Thomas Lee Abshier, ND11/23/2010 —– Original Message —– From: John To: Thomas Lee Abshier Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 2:04 PM Subject: Fwd: The War Party Vs. Rand Paul FYI…. John ‹(•¿•)› Subject: The War Party Vs. Rand Paul Justin...

Liberty: God’s Gift to Humanity

By: Chana B. Cox  (Author) Review by W. Collier: Liberty: God’s Gift to Humanity (Paperback) If you’re confused by the partisan wrangling between conservatives and liberals in the U.S.; if you wonder why you don’t agree with either party but you know...

The Consent of the Governed

By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 6/5/2010 Tom & Margo, I would be interested in hearing your Christian perspective on the following article. I find that I agree largely with it, and I see a Christian solution being one of principally “self-government”  – government over...