Dr Thomas Lee Abshier

US President 2024


Making America Godly Again

One Soul at a Time

All The Way to the

White House

Confess, Repent, and Reconcile with God

And He will Heal our Land

Government Department/Agency – Policies

American History and Heritage

  • Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights
  • Founders
  • God, Jesus, and the Bible in American Policy
  • Presidents
  • Wars
  • Economy and Money
  • Social Movements
  • Legislation
  • Judicial Opinions


Arts, Science, Philosophy, and Theology

  • Psychology
  • Allopathic Medicine
  • Naturopathic Medicine
  • Artificial intelligence and Robotics
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Biblical Worldview
  • World Religions
  • Physics and Math


Social Commentary

  • Books/Literature
  • Journal Articles
  • Quotes
  • Movies
  • Lyrics
  • Cartoons
  • Laws
  • Media/News/Current Events/Issues d’ jour
  • Historical Events


Crime, Corruption, and Evil

  • Conspiracies
  • Government-Based Evil
  • Money-Based Evil
  • Human Passion-Based Evil
  • Ideology-Based Evil


Facts of Life, Wisdom, Elementary Principles

  • Quotes, Pithy Maxims, Bon Mots
  • Insights about the Nature of Humanity
  • Moral Principles
  • Manners, Customs, Social Graces
  • Conflict Resolution


Controversial Positions

  • Competent Adults armed and ready for Self-Defense, National Defense, and Defense against tyranny
  • Homosexuality, transgenderism, adultery, fornication, and pornographic lust are sin.
  • Gently confront your neighbor’s sin, warn of consequence, encourage repentance, and support abstinence – in so doing you show your love for him.
  • Expose pedophilia, sex slavery, and human trafficking – Defend the innocent and weak.
  • Stop drug trafficking by staying sober
  • Stop prostitution by staying chaste and faithful
  • Stop adult and child pornography by resisting the temptation
  • Virginity, fidelity, and fertility please God
  • Godliness is the foundation of a good State’s legislation, administration, and justice.
  • All lives matter – God lives in and through us
  • Universal military service and lifetime reserve readiness
  • Physical fitness for life at home, school, work, and recreation
  • Healthcare priorities: preventive, curative, and then palliative medicine
  • Abortion is murder, except in medical emergencies to save the mother’s life
  • Create durable, quality goods – Do a job, finish it, and then learn a new skill – Grow and learn for a lifetime
  • Take personal responsibility for your safety, survival, family, retirement, health, and government
  • The Judeo-Christian ethic – the moral foundation of American culture, law, justice, and administration
  • Return States Rights to the States
  • Entitlement programs create dependency and stable systems of Federal bureaucracy in violation of the 10th Amendment
  • Increase the productivity of America to afford Social Security and Medicare
  • The Social Security Trust Fund is a myth – it was spent
  • Harness AI and Robotics to increase productivity – free mankind to express our creativity
  • Money printed by the Federal Reserve and loaned to fund welfare and wars results in inflation – 0% is the only desirable inflation rate
  • Make fiat money real by expanding the money supply, loaning money into the economy, at the rate of productivity increase
  • Homelessness, drug dependence, crime, and suicide are signs of deep societal decay
  • Defending an invaded dictator ally, and wars to protect American business interests, is not defending freedom and democracy

Platform / Agenda / Policy Positions

  • Repeal the 17th Amendment: State Reps elect US Senators – to restore rural representation and small state power.
  • Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913: Return to Real Money – Gold and Silver-based currency.
  • OR, if the Fed and fiat money are retained, expand the money supply proportional to the projected rate of GDP increase.
  • A well-regulated militia – universal service in national defense and lifetime reserve status
  • Border integrity/enforcement and legal-only immigration, Asylum reform, reduce legal immigration rate, merit-based immigration, retain US-educated
  • Merit-based immigration, hiring, and admission. Eliminate all racial, disability, and gender quotas in business, school, and government.
  • Eliminate direct-to-consumer pharma advertisement of drugs (State legislation)
  • Expose the influence of pharma on legislation/legislators
  • Health freedom for every competent adult
  • Narrow Federal control of the market as per the 10th Amendment and strict interpretation of the Commerce Clause
  • Stop theft of US technology & export of manufacturing capacity
  • Expose the corruption of government by organized crime, communism, and money
  • Election integrity with paper ballots, open software analysis, voter ID, and a secure chain of custody
  • The Supreme Court renders Constitutional interpretation opinion, not legislation
  • Expose Regulatory Capture and Business-Government influence
  • Support righteous causes – no wars to support political or economic hegemony
  • Eliminate the inheritance tax
  • A personal and corporate moral revival of the nation solves homelessness.
  • Transparency in the Administrative State Agencies and Supervision – OMB, GSA, OPM, OIRA, CEA…

Platform / Agenda / Policy Positions

Campaign Slogans/Mottos/Battle Cries & Bumper Stickers

  • Dr Thomas for a Holistic Healing of America – Body, Mind, and Spirit
  • Join the Embassy of God on Earth as an Ambassador for the Kingdom of Heaven
  • In America, may God’s Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven
  • Join the Revolution – Against Satan’s Kingdom
  • No King but King Jesus
  • America is Good when she is Godly
  • Make America a Righteous Society with Maturity in Personal Righteousness
  • Truth is Sacred, Justice is Holy, Purity is Divine
  • Limited Government Protecting God Given Rights
  • Reverse Everson – SCOTUS 1947 – Restore Prayer and the Bible in Schools
  • One Nation Under God
  • Take Back the Rainbow – It’s God’s Promise to Mankind not a Symbol of Rebellion
  • The Bible Defines Evil – Be Wise – Know, See, and Avoid it
  • Heal America’s Spirit through Personal Repentance and Reconciliation
  • Pray for the Third Great Awakening – 1) Whitfield, 2) Finney, and 3) Revival today
  • States Rights and Human Rights – God’s Will and Way – Our National Standard
  • Thy Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven
  • Keep the Commandments – Love God and Neighbor as Self
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
  • Spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations – Matthew 28:16-20
  • Compassion, Conviction, Confession, Repentance, and Restoration of the Sinner
  • Live Holy, Love God, and Work to Bring His Kingdom on Earth
  • Keep the 10 Commandments and live the Sermon on the Mount
  • The Gospel, the Work of Reconciliation of man with God through Christ
  • Evil men Fear an Armed, Trained, and Godly Public
  • Choose this Day Whom you will Serve – Joshua 24:15
  • Choose Life that You and Your Children May Live – Deuteronomy 30:19
  • If My People Repent, I Will Heal Their Land – 2 Chronicles 7:14
  • Evil Dominates a Country Only if Individuals Comply – Be Brave and Resist
  • When Individuals Stay Moral, Evil is Powerless – Do not Comply – Suffer for Him
  • General Strike – The Ultimate Force against Tyranny – Use it when Evil is Intolerable
  • Speak Reality into Manifestation – Commit with Words then Act
  • Thou Shalt Not Covet – Your Neighbor’s Inheritance, Income, or Property
  • Develop Good Solutions – Then Massively Duplicate
  • Learn to Be Useful – Serve Others and Your Needs will be Met
  • Practice Practical Christianity – Live the Bible – Love God, Neighbor, Self – Luke 10:27
  • War Against Evil is Righteous – Ephesians 6:12
  • Hate Evil – Evil is the Enemy – Evil is Real and has a Spiritual Kingdom
  • Evil Exists – God Created Evil by Defining Goodness – Evil Opposes God’s Character
  • God Created the Demonic Realm (directly or by allowing rebellion) to Advocate for Evil and Tempt Men – Isaiah 45:71
  • Legislation of Morality is the Purview of the States
  • Drug Use Opens Doors to the Spirit World – Demons Masquerade as Angels of Light – 2 Corinthians 11:14
  • Sin is the Violation of God’s Law/Will/Way/Character
  • The State Must Legislate Appropriate Consequences – Romans 13:1-4
  • The Godlier the Nation, the Fewer Laws Necessary 
  • There is Liberty in Christ – 2 Corinthians 3:17
  • Repent and He will Restore – Jeremiah 15:19
  • There is only One Way to the Father – Through His Son – Jesus Christ
  • The Bible is God’s Revealed Word of His Will and Way
  • The Moral Principles of all Faiths are Good that Agree with His Will and Way
  • Evil Laws Must be Disobeyed – Be Prepared to Suffer for Righteousness
  • World Peace Will come only when All Nations Worship the God of the Bible and Legislate, Judge, and Administer According to His Law
  • American will be Great when She is Godly
  • A Well-Regulated Militia Deters Invaders and Tyrants
  • Judge a Man by the Content of His Character not the Color of his Skin
  • God Created them Male and Female to be Fruitful and Multiply
  • Transparency, Honesty, Integrity, and Accountability to God and Man
  • Limited Federal Government Protecting God-Given Rights
  • Federal Authority is Restricted by the 10th Amendment
  • America – A Nation of Adults Who Choose the Risk and Pay the Price
  • Voluntary Dedicated Taxation – Forced Charity and Expenditure is Theft
  • If Any Would Not Work, Neither Should He Eat – 2 Thessalonians 3:10
  • America – The Land of Opportunity – Realized by Risk, Work, and Faith
  • America – Charitable to the Poor, Defender of the Oppressed and Weak – Without Entangling Alliances
  • Godly Environmental Stewardship – This is God’s Earth – Respect His Creation
  • America – A Nation of Inventors, Inventions, Solutions, and New Technologies
  • Educate Yourself in Preparation for Service
  • Live in the Joy of the Lord Nehemiah 8:10
  • Our Hope of Salvation is Validated in His Resurrection
  • Pride Goeth Before Destruction – Proverbs 16:18
  • Be Prepared
  • America – Defender of the Oppressed – No Alliance with or Defense of Despots
  • An Armed and Godly Citizenry is a Polite and Respectful Society
  • Stop Active Shooters Dead – Carry and be Ready to Defend the Innocent
  • No Gun Free Zones
  • Work to Finish the Job – Not to Have a Job
  • All the Way with TLA
  • Make 1984 Fiction Again
  • Sex is the Act of Marriage – Grow up First – Don’t Play on the Edge
  • Marriage is for Life – Incompatibility is not Grounds
  • Be Skilled in Relationship, Controlled in Temperament, and Sensitive to Needs
  • Family is the Fundamental Unit of Society
  • Sex is the First Act of Family
  • Marriage is before God not Man
  • The Morally and Socially Mature Parents are the Foundation of Family 
  • Group Cohesion Requires Skilled Communication about Facts, Feelings, & Thoughts
  • The Proper Separation of Church and State: State Prescribes and Executes the Penalty for Sin – the Church Advises the State about Sin Law and Mercy
  • All Violation of God’s Law is Sin – all Sin Deserves Death
  • All Legislation is Legislated Morality
  • Christian Nationalism – Worship and Govern by the God of the Bible
  • Negotiate for a Righteous Peace – War only for Unconditional Surrender
  • Strategy for Victory – Full Frontal Assault – Overwhelm the System with Holy Citizens
  • Truth is the Only Strategy Needed for God to Win
  • The Cabal of Evil Spirits and Their Human Servants is Disempowered by Vast Citizen Godliness
  • Godly Interpersonal Relationships are the Foundation of the Family, Health, and Society
  • Universal Gun Ownership – The Right to Bear Arms Shall Not be Infringed
  • Adult maturity is the Requirement for Unsupervised Gun Carry, Use, and Ownership
  • No Red Flag Laws – Parents, Friends, and Society/Business Must Judge Adulthood
  • Every Citizen Armed and Ready to Destroy an Active Shooter 
  • Certain Death Eliminates the Seduction of Power, Large Casualty Numbers, and Notoriety
  • Feel Love and Meaning – Serve God and Fellow Man – Make Life Better for Others – Be Useful
  • Does America need a “Pastor-In-Chief?”
  • Overwhelm the System with Godliness – A Godly Populace/Electorate is the Only Curative Solution
  • Only Elect Representatives Committed to Legislating Biblical Standards
  • World Peace Will Come Only When All Nations Worship the God of the Bible and Legislate, Judge, and Administer According to His Law
  • Dr Thomas for a Holistic Healing of America – Body, Mind, and Spirit
  • Join the Embassy of God on Earth as an Ambassador for the Kingdom of Heaven
  • In America, may God’s Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven
  • Join the Revolution – Against Satan’s Kingdom
  • No King but King Jesus
  • America is Good when she is Godly
  • Make America a Righteous Society with Maturity in Personal Righteousness
  • Truth is Sacred, Justice is Holy, Purity is Divine
  • Limited Government Protecting God Given Rights
  • Reverse Everson – SCOTUS 1947 – Restore Prayer and the Bible in Schools
  • One Nation Under God
  • Take Back the Rainbow – It’s God’s Promise to Mankind not a Symbol of Rebellion
  • The Bible Defines Evil – Be Wise – Know, See, and Avoid it
  • Heal America’s Spirit through Personal Repentance and Reconciliation
  • Pray for the Third Great Awakening – 1) Whitfield, 2) Finney, and 3) Revival today
  • States Rights and Human Rights – God’s Will and Way – Our National Standard
  • Thy Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven
  • Keep the Commandments – Love God and Neighbor as Self
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
  • Spread the gospel and make disciples of all nations – Matthew 28:16-20
  • Compassion, Conviction, Confession, Repentance, and Restoration of the Sinner
  • Live Holy, Love God, and Work to Bring His Kingdom on Earth
  • Keep the 10 Commandments and live the Sermon on the Mount
  • The Gospel, the Work of Reconciliation of man with God through Christ
  • Evil men Fear an Armed, Trained, and Godly Public
  • Choose this Day Whom you will Serve – Joshua 24:15
  • Choose Life that You and Your Children May Live – Deuteronomy 30:19
  • If My People Repent, I Will Heal Their Land – 2 Chronicles 7:14
  • Evil Dominates a Country Only if Individuals Comply – Be Brave and Resist
  • When Individuals Stay Moral, Evil is Powerless – Do not Comply – Suffer for Him
  • General Strike – The Ultimate Force against Tyranny – Use it when Evil is Intolerable
  • Speak Reality into Manifestation – Commit with Words then Act
  • Thou Shalt Not Covet – Your Neighbor’s Inheritance, Income, or Property
  • Develop Good Solutions – Then Massively Duplicate
  • Learn to Be Useful – Serve Others and Your Needs will be Met
  • Practice Practical Christianity – Live the Bible – Love God, Neighbor, Self – Luke 10:27
  • War Against Evil is Righteous – Ephesians 6:12
  • Hate Evil – Evil is the Enemy – Evil is Real and has a Spiritual Kingdom
  • Evil Exists – God Created Evil by Defining Goodness – Evil Opposes God’s Character
  • God Created the Demonic Realm (directly or by allowing rebellion) to Advocate for Evil and Tempt Men – Isaiah 45:71
  • Legislation of Morality is the Purview of the States
  • Drug Use Opens Doors to the Spirit World – Demons Masquerade as Angels of Light – 2 Corinthians 11:14
  • Sin is the Violation of God’s Law/Will/Way/Character
  • The State Must Legislate Appropriate Consequences – Romans 13:1-4
  • The Godlier the Nation, the Fewer Laws Necessary 
  • There is Liberty in Christ – 2 Corinthians 3:17
  • Repent and He will Restore – Jeremiah 15:19
  • There is only One Way to the Father – Through His Son – Jesus Christ
  • The Bible is God’s Revealed Word of His Will and Way
  • The Moral Principles of all Faiths are Good that Agree with His Will and Way
  • Evil Laws Must be Disobeyed – Be Prepared to Suffer for Righteousness 
  • American will be Great when She is Godly
  • A Well-Regulated Militia Deters Invaders and Tyrants
  • Judge a Man by the Content of His Character not the Color of his Skin
  • God Created them Male and Female to be Fruitful and Multiply
  • Transparency, Honesty, Integrity, and Accountability to God and Man
  • Limited Federal Government Protecting God-Given Rights
  • Federal Authority is Restricted by the 10th Amendment
  • America – A Nation of Adults Who Choose the Risk and Pay the Price
  • Voluntary Dedicated Taxation – Forced Charity and Expenditure is Theft
  • If Any Would Not Work, Neither Should He Eat – 2 Thessalonians 3:10
  • America – The Land of Opportunity – Realized by Risk, Work, and Faith
  • America – Charitable to the Poor, Defender of the Oppressed and Weak – Without Entangling Alliances
  • Godly Environmental Stewardship – This is God’s Earth – Respect His Creation
  • America – A Nation of Inventors, Inventions, Solutions, and New Technologies
  • Educate Yourself in Preparation for Service
  • Live in the Joy of the Lord Nehemiah 8:10
  • Our Hope of Salvation is Validated in His Resurrection
  • Pride Goeth Before Destruction – Proverbs 16:18
  • Be Prepared
  • America – Defender of the Oppressed – No Alliance with or Defense of Despots
  • An Armed and Godly Citizenry is a Polite and Respectful Society
  • Stop Active Shooters Dead – Carry and be Ready to Defend the Innocent
  • No Gun Free Zones
  • Work to Finish the Job – Not to Have a Job
  • All the Way with TLA
  • Make 1984 Fiction Again
  • Sex is the Act of Marriage – Grow up First – Don’t Play on the Edge
  • Marriage is for Life – Incompatibility is not Grounds
  • Be Skilled in Relationship, Controlled in Temperament, and Sensitive to Needs
  • Family is the Fundamental Unit of Society
  • Sex is the First Act of Family
  • Marriage is before God not Man
  • The Morally and Socially Mature Parents are the Foundation of Family 
  • Group Cohesion Requires Skilled Communication about Facts, Feelings, & Thoughts
  • The Proper Separation of Church and State: State Prescribes and Executes the Penalty for Sin – the Church Advises the State about Sin Law and Mercy
  • All Violation of God’s Law is Sin – all Sin Deserves Death
  • All Legislation is Legislated Morality
  • Christian Nationalism – Worship and Govern by the God of the Bible
  • Negotiate for a Righteous Peace – War only for Unconditional Surrender
  • Strategy for Victory – Full Frontal Assault – Overwhelm the System with Holy Citizens
  • Truth is the Only Strategy Needed for God to Win
  • The Cabal of Evil Spirits and Their Human Servants is Disempowered by Vast Citizen Godliness
  • Godly Interpersonal Relationships are the Foundation of the Family, Health, and Society
  • Universal Gun Ownership – The Right to Bear Arms Shall Not be Infringed
  • Adult maturity is the Requirement for Unsupervised Gun Carry, Use, and Ownership
  • No Red Flag Laws – Parents, Friends, and Society/Business Must Judge Adulthood
  • Every Citizen Armed and Ready to Destroy an Active Shooter 
  • Certain Death Eliminates the Seduction of Power, Large Casualty Numbers, and Notoriety
  • Feel Love and Meaning – Serve God and Fellow Man – Make Life Better for Others – Be Useful
  • Does America need a “Pastor-In-Chief?”
  • Overwhelm the System with Godliness – A Godly Populace/Electorate is the Only Curative Solution
  • Only Elect Representatives Committed to Legislating Biblical Standards
  • World Peace Will Come Only When All Nations Worship the God of the Bible and Legislate, Judge, and Administer According to His Law

 Dr. Thomas Lee Abshier

For President

I’ve been asked, “Why are you running for President?”

I expect to lead the nation in Making America Godly Again. Based on reason/logic and evidence, I want men to believe, know, feel, and accept a few basic facts of life:
1) God exists.
2) The universe was created by His Son, The Word (as per John 1).
3) Surrender to the Lordship of Jesus/Yeshua of one’s life (following His way) is necessary to live the best possible life in this world and the next.
4) Accepting the reality of Jesus’ death and resurrection as atonement for sin is important. If true/real the resurrection says something revolutionary/fundamental about the nature of our universe and evil.
5) The Bible is God’s revelation of His will and way to man.

  • I expect the body of Christ to support my stand for American Godliness in law, justice, and enforcement. I appeal to non-believers, people of other faiths, to support my stand for restoring Godly personal and public morality. The Bible is universal in its moral code of goodness and Godliness, and I welcome the support of all faiths who embrace these principles. Godly behaviors, the laws and social customs consistent with His will and way, produce a peaceful, polite, prosperous, and joyous society. 
  • It will take a miracle to create a national transformation of spiritual allegiance. Many have embraced a religion of secular humanism and existence without eternal meaning.  With a reason to believe will come a revival of passion in men to follow God’s will and way on a personal and corporate level.
  • I believe God revealed an important insight to me about His relationship to the universe that will be instrumental in bringing about a nationwide commitment to personal and corporate holiness. The revelation came during an altered state – a fact which casts doubts on its authenticity. Nevertheless, I believe God used this unlikely medium and imperfect vessel to advance His purpose. The last trips I took in 1987 were so unusual, so uncharacteristic of other trips, that I believe the message was a divine revelation. The insight has guided my life since that time, has born good fruit, and proved edifying and reflective of reality.
  • From the symbols in the vision, I got an insight about how God created the universe from consciousness alone – from the substance of His mind-spirit. I have strongly examined the revelation since that time, attempting to see if it is consistent with the experiments of physics, our experience of life, and the words of the Bible. To my satisfaction the concept still seems promising, and continues to give me confidence that God exists and the Bible is a reliable revelation of His will and plan for man.
  • As an intellectual, as a man of science, as a philosopher and doubting Thomas, I was able use this new paradigm to give my heart and mind the confidence to adopt the Bible as my guide in issues of personal morality, interpersonal relationship, group ethics and order, and insight into God’s will, way, nature and His intended meaning of life.
  • My first commitment as President is to advocate, teach, and reason with every American, to bring him into a willing adoption of the Biblical standards of holiness. The first responsibility of a nation’s leader is seeking and standing for the will of God in directing the administration of righteously legislated law.
  • I believe that the administration of the nation is best executed by following Godly patterns of conduct and relationship. I will continue to develop position papers on issues of public morality and policy.
  • From my insight/vision/revelation, I believe we live, move, and have our being in the mind-spirit of God. God is closer than our breath. There is no place where we can go that He is not. The Kingdom of Heaven is here, and we can realize it if we choose to live His will and way.
  • I believe America was founded on Biblical principles. The meme of “Separation of Church and State” has been misused to remove any reference to God in public policy or education. All law is legislated morality. I submit we should use the Bible and the God of Abraham as our standard. We should avoid giving the power of the state to a theocracy of men claiming infallible divine inspiration, knowledge, and direction. Such power is neither possible nor desirable. A theocracy will be established when the Lord returns, until then we must reason together to determine His will for man.
  • The forces of evil have influenced the minds of men and seduced us into accepting delusions and submitting to slavery by our own hands. As a society, we have adopted anti-Biblical/unGodly legislation and cultural norms regarding sexuality. Our rebellion against Godly choice in our sexual expression, and the embrace of societal norms, will unavoidably bring a curse upon us. The perversion of the Godly use of our bodies has left us susceptible to deception and rationalization that lies are truth and evil is good. Some have fallen prey to the temptations of sex, money, and power, and traded the satisfaction of those hungers for influence, and perverted legislation, justice, and administration of law.
  • Restoring American prosperity, health, peace, and the world’s admiration will come as we return to honoring Biblical Godliness in our personal standards and public policy.
  • As President, I am committed to leading the nation in personal holiness and restoring Biblical Godliness as the guiding principles of government and its legislation, administration, and justice.

About Me

Personal History, Theory of Life, and Mission

I was born in July of 1951. My father worked for Mobil Oil and we moved every 4 or 5 years, mostly around California. I attended Industrial High in Vanderbilt, TX and Sunny Hills High in Fullerton, CA. I graduated from UCLA in 1974 with a BS in Engineering, with emphasis on electrical engineering. I was commissioned as an officer in the United States Navy after four years in NROTC. I graduated from the Naval Nuclear Power School and Training and spent 2.5 years in the Navy, taking one cruise on the USS Sam Houston, SSBN 609 Gold Crew. I had an anxiety attack while preparing to go on my second cruise. I was temporarily assigned to shore duty in Pearl Harbor, HI, during which time, I attended yoga classes. After 3 months I decided to leave the Navy and join the Hawaii 3HO/Sikh/yogic ashram. I wore a turban, let my hair and beard grow, wore white garments, and lived the life of an American Sikh for 6 years. I participated in several “family businesses”: a health food store, movie theatres, and driving taxi. I decided to become a Chiropractor and finished my premed course at the University of Hawaii. I got married and a year later moved to LA. I worked in a boiler room at a 3HO business selling office supplies as the manager for a couple years. My wife left me in 1981. She recommended the EST training, a personal growth training seminar that moved me toward leaving the 3HO Sikh cult. My girlfriend/wife-to-be moved in with me. We went to visit Dr. Norman Easley in Portland, OR. He had inspired me to become a healer, and suggested attending the Naturopathic College in Portland. We moved and I began NCNM in 1982 and graduated in 1987 with a degree as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. I was licensed in 1989 and practiced actively through 2019.

During my time in Naturopathic College, I was introduced to oral cannabis, which caused me to go on an extreme mental-emotional roller coaster. I left my second wife, and proceeded to go through several relationships over a 3-year period. I studied and participated in many religions and teachings, cults, and gurus.

I had two very uncharacteristic altered state trips in March of 1987. For three years, I used high dose oral cannabis or psychedelics to induce spiritual insights to “find God.” On both of my final trips, I saw the same stable vision that lasted for hours. It was a galactic center (which symbolized God), surrounded by many stars (which symbolized points of consciousness created by/from/within the mind-spirit of God), connected by a fine strand (which symbolized the continuity between God and the Conscious Points).

I interpreted this vision to mean that God had created the universe from/by/with His Spirit-Mind, by declaring the Conscious Points into existence, and then using them as the substance of creation. I knew from my strong Christian upbringing and Bible study that this was the relationship between the Father and Son, God and the Word in John 1:1-4. In this vision, I saw how the Word could be both with God and be God. I believe the Word/The Son was His first creation, God declared the Son into existence as a complete duplicate of Himself. The Son was of the same substance and character as the father, but of independent will, yet submitted fully to honor and obey the Father. God gave the Son/Word the task of creating the physical universe. The Son/Word first declared zillions of Conscious Points into existence and thereby filled and created space. From this spiritual-consciousness “substance” the Son formed the physical and spiritual universe. The Son/Word created all things, and there was nothing created that He did not create. There is no consciousness or existence in the universe but the original consciousness/existence of God.

Every Conscious Point is a perspective God created that can look back at Himself (and all the other Conscious Points). Perhaps God prepared for the Big Bang by superimposing all the Conscious Points into an infinitely small point. When properly organized He initiated time and formed space, energy, and matter with the command, “Let there be light.”

I have looked at the subatomic Particle Zoo and the phenomena of physics to find patterns and unity. I believe He created four types of Conscious Points, distinguished by their four different of rule-sets. The Conscious Points obey/follow His rules of interaction with other Conscious Points and thereby manifest the laws of nature on the macroscopic level. All physical phenomena (interactions of mass and energy) are the result of the interaction of the Conscious Points.

The Big Bang produced a super-rapid expansion/inflation of the universe for a short period of time because the same-charge Conscious Points commanded repulsion beyond the speed of light due to their extreme initial proximity. This established the direction of expansion, which continues as all Conscious Points move away from each other. We see evidence of this expansion as the fabric of space produces the red shift seen in distant Galaxies.

God chose/assigned the perfect value for the rules of attraction and repulsion of the Conscious Points, which formed subatomic particles, and atoms. Carbon, the atom required for life, forms in the furnace of thermonuclear synthesis only in a universe with many specific physical constants. The odds of such finely tuned physical constants arising by chance, unguided by intelligence/God, are astronomically small. The community of science, has attempted to rationalize this fact by postulating the existence of a near-infinite number of universes, each with different physical constants, our universe is just one of many – a postulate which violates the principle of parsimony/Occam’s Razor.

In the early universe, the Conscious Points eventually separated sufficiently by their volumetric expansion to form the four elemental subatomic particles (electrons, positrons, up quarks and anti-up quarks). All other subatomic particles may form from a combination of these 4 elemental particles of mass and the ordering of the surrounding Conscious Points filling space.

Thus, the 30 subatomic particles of the Standard Model are possibly composed of Conscious Points variously organized from these 4 types of Conscious Points. Likewise, all the phenomena of Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Particle Physics, and Newtonian Mechanics may result from the rules of relationship between the Conscious Points.

If the universe is filled with Conscious Points, which are in essence the spirit-mind of God, this fact will shape how we understand the purpose/meaning of life and how we choose our actions. If this paradigm is accurate/real/true, then God is closer than our breath. There is no place in which we can hide. We cannot secretly sin. If we are composed of the substance of His spirit-mind, then He lives us, He knows and feels our thoughts, feelings, and intents.

God is love, perfect, and good, having no shadow of turning. He gave the power to create to His Son, and He created all, including evil (whether directly or by free will rebellion). If God is all, then He feels/lives in every man, he knows us, and feels joy at our perfect actions and pain/displeasure/repulsion when we violate His will and way. He gave man free will. When we violate His Law/Way, He cannot abide with us, and must necessarily separate His attention and relationship.

None of us meet God’s standard for relationship with Him. We all require a mediator, a Savior, a bridge to reconnect and reconcile us with God. Jesus/the Son/the Word, as the creator of the universe, incarnated into His creation, was murdered by men acting under the influence of evil. He was without sin, and Evil had no right/no contract to take His life. With any sin, any violation of God’s perfect will, Evil is given the right to possess, to extract life-energy, and place in bondage and use for its pleasure, every soul who sins. Only the sinless man is free of this contract, and there was only one. The man who sins must pay with his life and blood. Jesus death can be appropriated, used as our just payment to cleanse our souls, and pay the debt justly/rightly/fairly owed to Evil. Jesus was born into the world to save men from their bondage to Evil. In our cleansing, we remake the connection broken by sin and can reestablish our relationship with God, our Heavenly Father.

I was raised as a Christian, but I had to prove/validate/understand the faith for myself as an adult. I lived out my name, I was a doubting Thomas. I demanded, expected proof. I spent many years searching for Truth. I saw goodness and good people in all of the world religions and lifestyles, but I was not satisfied by simply accepting the New Age meme that, “There are many paths up the mountain leading to God.”

After my vision in 1987, and recognition of how the universe truly is only composed of God’s spirit-mind substance, I was able to answer, to my satisfaction, the questions that drove me to search for answers in so many world religions. I understood, to an acceptable degree of certainty, 1) how the physical universe was created and its ultimate substance/nature, 2) in what way/how God and the Son are one, 3) Why Evil exists, and 4) why Jesus died on the cross for our sins. The Bible contained hints of all these answers, was consistent with my experience of the drama and morality of life, and was consistent with my study of science. This constellation of coincidence gave me sufficient validation to accept the Bible as God’s revelation, which pointed toward emulating the role model of Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

My strong scientific background biased me toward rationality. Given my nature, I required logical proof and evidence before I committed myself to any belief system. This seemed like an impossibly high barrier to overcome before embracing faith in the Christian paradigm. I pursued the answers, I wrestled with God, and He was gracious. He gave me the revelation, understanding, and insight I needed to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior as an adult. I consider this transformation a miracle and thank the passionate prayers of my parents and the many people who loved me. I got what I asked for, and now I feel obligated to share the gift. I returned to the faith of my youth without compromising my commitment to logic. The revelation of Truth in the Bible was sufficient to place my faith, my integrity, and my standard of morality by which I lived. I have completely given my heart, mind, soul, and spirit to the manifesting of the will of God as revealed in the Bible.

My life went from uncertainty and confusion, to dynamic involvement with the moment-by-moment evolution of life. Life became miraculous, precious, filled with awe and joy. Every act is meaningful.  I am dedicated to serving God in building His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

God feels my life as I feel it, and He suffers when I suffer, and He recoils in anger and hurt when I sin. He desires to feel love, and is satisfied when we choose to act according to His will and way. I believe the Bible is the revelation of His will and way for men, and the guidebook for our actions. God set the universe in motion to satisfy His desire for relationship and desire for freely given love. He created sufficient distance between His existence and our mind/soul to allow free will. He gave us the choice to love and serve Evil/other gods, or to live His way and in so doing to express our love for Him. He must remain mostly hidden, but present and tangible for those who seek Him. In this way, we daily express our love and relationship with Him as we reject Evil and choose His way, walk with Him, and satisfy His heart. He has created a satisfying love from a universe which contains only His spirit. The universe is the ultimate accomplishment of mastery, artistry, and beauty sculpted in the substance of His being.

My patients, friends, family, and especially my lovely wife, my companion in maturing in relationship with God since 1988, trained me in the ways of being a Godly man. I have learned to counsel patients in properly framing their issues and in the process of searching for answers together, we have gained much insight. I learned how to be a person in the many intense one-on-one relationship encounters of my 30 years in practice as a Naturopathic Physician. My fellow doctor-wife, Margo, has challenged me to stay true to the Bible as I developed my physics theory, my theology, and my theory of human relationships.

I began my interest in the political process in Naturopathic Medical School, as the student body president. I was on the legislative committee for our association for years in the 1990’s. Margo and I supported the OCA Measure 9 in 1992, with life altering consequences. After writing an essay on patriotism Margo suggested that I run for Oregon US Senate in 2004. I got 50,000 votes in the Primary and tied for second in a field of six candidates. I have immersed myself in the philosophical examination of conservative, libertarian, and Right-wing theory and the arguments/theory/perspective of the Left-wing and socialism.

I believe I have a unique perspective on life which could give many people the reasons needed to adopt a holy life of loving and living in God. I believe the nation needs good policies, it needs strong leadership in choosing personal holiness and Godly legislation. This is my commitment and passion. I am driven to serve my God, my fellow man, and my country.

I believe as President I will be able to influence America to move toward Godliness by reason, advocacy, and leadership. I decided to run when I saw the other GOP candidates discussing only policy and secular ideas. We have heard, and will hear, many excellent plans, strong personalities, and eloquent oratory. I am certain I can surround myself with wise counselors and administrators who will help craft good policy for the country. I am running because I want to help return America to Godliness. When we as a nation kneel before His throne and bow our heads to His Lordship, greatness will follow.


I live with my family in Bakersfield, California. I am an inventor and have been working with Dr. Thomas for several years. We have multiple projects in the field of human mobility and rehab. Not only has Dr. Thomas displayed a great deal of technical competence, but he has a kind heart for others. He is a gifted healer. An empathetic listener. An ingenious problem solver. He wishes in every possible way to relieve human suffering. I can’t recommend him highly enough for public office. He recognizes God as the source of all human rights and only desires to have a minimal government which competently protects those rights.


Subscribe to the Dr Thomas for President Newsletter

Mankind must put an end to war – or war will put an end to mankind.

John F. Kennedy

Write-In Dr. Thomas – but only when you’re sure I’ll win.

* Until then, vote for the best man on the ballot.
* Join the Coalition and work daily to enroll others.
* Form a majority block of voters for Godly government.


  • Vote for me as a write-in, when you see a broad support for my election in the Coalition, in your personal experience, and social media.  When you see an unmistakable groundswell of public opinion that I will win as the man to lead America, then it’s time to write-in Dr. Thomas for President 2024.
  • Until you are sure I will be the clear winner, DO NOT VOTE FOR ME. Make your vote count for the best candidate that represents Godliness. Join the Coalition, be involved with the group, know the issues, evaluate the candidates, ask them to speak at your gatherings, challenge them on the issues, influence them by sharing your positions, create your own system and momentum.
  • Yes, I can win as a write-in candidate, but it will require a miracle. The miracle will be one of people accepting the need for, and desirability of, God’s law, rule, will, and way guiding our personal and national lives. When the people recognize that Godliness is the foundation of all public policy, then people will choose to vote for a candidate who stands for openly including God in the consideration of legislation and influencing culture. The nation will vote for a Godly candidate when the spirit of God has transformed the hearts of hundreds of millions of American citizens to desire living in a lawful/loving/Godly relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We need the third great awakening. (The first was Whitfield before the Revolutionary War, the second was Finney during the Civil War.) The miracle will take place in the hearts and minds of Americans as we individually and corporately return to God, live for Him, boldly speak His will, and influence His people to take action. I am calling out for the nation to choose Godly righteousness and repent. God will heal our land and America will be great when we repent and live according to His law, will, and way.
  • Begin by committing yourself to holiness. Read the Bible daily. The “You Version” app is a good tool. Enroll your friends. Study and learn. Let the The Coalition be church – a place of fellowship of believers where we discuss and plan actions to build His Kingdom on Earth. Advocate for public Godliness. Be sexually pure and faithful, live by your word, be skilled and provide value to serve your fellow man, and expect a fair wage. Stay married, develop a new heart and habit to be loving and loveable, let the unbeliever leave, be a family. Study and be ready to justify your faith. Maturity in living a Godly life takes time. Godliness is unnatural, but we must choose it to please Him. We are animals and programmed to feed our hungers (sex, money, food, power, fame, pride…). God gave us free will. We express our love to Him keeping His Laws, and loving neighbor as self. Regulate your instincts – delay satisfaction until the proper time and place. Temperance and passion satisfy God in their time.
  • Search my articles and books, listen to the podcasts, watch the videos, learn to justify your faith. Find answers to your questions on a real/arguable/rational level. Ask me if you can’t figure it out. I faced questions like, “What is God’s purpose in creating the creation? How can we validate His existence to a reasonable degree of certainty? What is the purpose of life? Why was the sacrificial/substitutionary death of Jesus necessary?” You will have your own questions. You must answer them to an adequate degree to satisfy your doubt. Ask for faith, it will come.
  • Modern man must have a reason, a logical justification for believing in God, the Bible, and its ethical commands. Many hold science in the highest regard and believe that evolution, relativity, quantum mechanics, and astronomical phenomena have made God’s existence unnecessary. Countering that narrative requires reason, logic, and comparing the evidence with theory. That apologetic is an important element of my campaign. What we stand for must be real, not just a myth or story illustrating Truth. I believe a comparison of the arguments and paradigm of conventional Science with my revelation will prove convincing of God’s existence. My postulate of Conscious Points filling the universe, forming matter, carrying energy has not been examined and accepted by the scientific community. Study my paradigm, compare it to the conventional physics community’s conception of the universe, matter, energy, space, time, make your own evaluation. Each person must come to his own conclusion. I believe the evidence and theory will prove sufficiently convincing to allow men to accept God’s existence.  When the people of the nation agree that the God of the Bible is real, accept Jesus as Lord, and act in Godly ways, the great awakening and blessing of Ameria will come.
  • My campaign will succeed if a majority of the nation accepts the miracle of personal transformation, chooses to live the tenets of the Bible, and votes for Godliness. I am running to serve and committed to winning because we need a leader who will consider the will and way of God in the center of every law, executive order, and judicial decision. I believe evil has the ear, hands, and legs of America’s leadership. The allegiance of her leaders must be toward Heaven. Making America Godly is the method of producing a just, joyous, prosperous, safe, and meaningful life in this world. The group environment (the customs of culture and laws of government), its moral order and enforced conduct are critical to our happiness. Reaching the goal of Godly administration requires the transformation of hearts. Someday every knee will bow to the Lordship of Jesus when He returns to rule and reign with power. The return will be joyous when the church is committed to Biblically defined purity and holiness. We can get close to having The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth now if we each live holy lives, elect God-fearing men to office, enact Godly laws, and judge fairly. We desire peace, happiness, health, prosperity, and safety. We will achieve those goals when we choose Godly government, accept the Gospel of Christ, and live in holiness.
  • The success of my campaign requires commitment and action, and personal transformation to holiness. It requires communication between those who agree with my vision. The Coalition provides a vehicle for assembling that congregation. Support the unbelievers as they examine, listen, study, question, and transform. Ideally, every person who hears the message will share it with their circle, and bring them into the Coalition. It is a place to support unbelievers in their transformation. Not all will share and evangelize, but if the message is potent, if the hope is real, those who participate will be enough. Vast numbers of American citizens must transform. Those who are enrolled and take action will be enough. God can do miracles. He wants us to return to Him. If we do, He will heal our land.
  • The conversion of sinner to saint is possible and necessary. Saying the sinner’s prayer is a good start, but transforming the heart takes time. Develop new habits of life. Choose to not sin. Avoid the obvious sins, but “not sinning” is only a start. We need a new heart, a taste for the fruits of the spirit, a desire to please God, a desire to serve to make His Kingdom joyous. Life in Christ isn’t about “not doing things.” Rather, life lived God’s way is about filling life with joyous and fulfilling work, family, relationships, and recreation. Appreciate the miracle of life, existence, God, drama, work, beauty, and the overcoming of evil, hardship, and uncertainty in every moment and situation.
  • Develop an inner circle, a support group of fellow travelers in transformation – men who want correction and encouragement to live in holiness. Confront your questions – ask the hard ones – don’t avoid any issues. You will be able to answer some, but not others. Is there enough certainty in the existence of God, the Truth of the Bible, the good fruit of living a Godly life to believe and share your convictions with others? Debate the issues. Bring others along on the journey of growth and exploration of the Truth. The way is narrow, but there is grace for the sincere seeker and repentant sinner.
  • What is the Godly solution to each of our national problems? I have presented many ideas, and they may or may not be the best solutions. Consider that much of what is now regulated/mandated/legislated on the federal level is in the jurisdiction of the States. Regardless, whether Federal or State, we must still choose solutions/answers to the questions of group morality and action. And we must consider God’s will and way in formulating every solution. This is applied Godliness. On the personal level we must relate to our wives, husbands, children, coworkers, bosses, employees, and friends in a Godly way, displaying the fruit of the spirit. We must develop skills in Godly personal relationships as our foundation to making those choices. On the political level, we must solve our problems as a group and come to agreement as a majority.
  • If you want America to go in the direction of Biblically revealed Godliness, tell your friends, discuss the issues. Live the Bible and Vote. A vote for Dr. Thomas Lee Abshier is a vote for Godly government. If everyone tells two people about my candidacy and positions, and they each tell two people the next day, and this proceeds for a month, the entire nation will soon know of my candidacy and positions. It’s possible to win and take this nation back for Christ.
  • Join The Coalition to Make America Godly Again. Network with other members. Give feedback to your leaders. Become a leader, share this message with your circle first, then branch out to the undecided who are thinkers and doubters. Be an example of Godliness to those who support the big government-corporate-media alliance and stand against Godly morality (life, self-protection, faith, male-female family, and sexual purity). The Coalition has no central vetting system. Evaluate the character, integrity, and sincerity of your fellow coalition members. Use your own sense of the magnitude and energy of the movement. Is the Coalition/movement/revolution/awakening big enough and strong enough to win? Make your own decision. When it is mature, when the signs are obvious, write in Dr. Thomas in the State Primaries and Federal General. Evaluate if there is enough support, belief, and understanding of the issues in your circle and the wider population. Has the Great Awakening begun? Are people sincere? Pray and listen for ideas, and act. Read “The Morning Miracle.” Be God’s hands extended. Study, ask questions, debate the issues of existence, faith, morality, and group action. Include your children in the discussion, teach critical thinking. Bring the question, “What is Godliness in this situation?” to the center of each moment. Read the Bible. Develop a personal relationship with Jesus, and be an example of Him in your actions.

Volunteer to Help
Make America Godly Again

  • Give your life to Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Obey the commandments. Be loving, kind, polite but never compromise principles.  Pay for what you take. Be cheerful and hopeful. Do your best to live holy. Read the Bible daily and learn its lessons, then live the Bible and vote.
  • Join the Coalition to Make America Godly Again – be a leader – enroll members, teach others to enroll.
  • This is a one-man campaign, it will only succeed if you believe in it, tell your friends, and vote.
  • I will not be on any ballot, state primary or federal general but you can write in my name on both. Only write in my name when it is clear that I will win. I will keep you informed via the Coalition Newsletter. If you see news articles and media controversy, the wave is coming. You will know when it’s time to vote for me. Write-in Dr. Thomas Lee Abshier on both the state primary and federal general elections when there is sufficient support to win – until then DO NOT write me in.
  • I am not soliciting nor will I accept any donations.
  • This is a word-of-mouth campaign only.
  • You cannot find this website on a search engine – you must type in the website URL, or follow a link.
  • My campaign promise is to restore our liberty in Christ. The health, happiness, and holiness of our people and nation will return when we adopt the standards, demeanor, and habits of Godly love. We deserve, and will get, a government-free/unsupervised life when the culture is saturated in mature self-directed Godliness.
  • All of my writing is copyrighted, for fair use. You may duplicate and distribute it if you attribute it to me. With this restriction, you may copy any documents, ideas, methods, and use them to start your own campaign for local, county, state, or federal office. Good people must volunteer to serve in government.
  • If you wish to contribute money to raise awareness of my campaign, then you may do so as an expression of free speech. There will be no tax deduction available for your contribution. You may spend any amount of money that you want for any promotional materials (e.g., hat, buttons, brochures, yard signs, as well as newspaper, billboards, and social media ads). The templates are below. You can call the distributors directly and pay them for the products you order.
  • I am not on any state or federal ballot, and I am not accepting any donations. This campaign is purely an expression of my free speech. I have been informed by legal counsel that there is no jurisdiction by the FEC when there is no ballot access and no donations accepted.
  • Since I am not on the ballot, there is no restriction on the amount of money you can spend to support me as a write-in candidate. However, if you spend more than $200 on campaign materials, you must file a report with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The report must include the name of the candidate, the date of the expenditure, the amount of the expenditure, and a description of the material. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) contribution form is available at the FEC website.


  • Learn the Issues – educate and enroll your friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers!
  • This campaign is a gift, an opportunity to take back America for God. If you believe in the principles on this website, write-in Dr. Thomas in the Primary and General Election. But only vote for me if you are sure I will win. When there is overwhelming evidence, when everyone knows my name, when the majority is excited about a Godly administration and leader, then vote for me. 
  • This campaign is an opportunity for you to do something tangible and effective to return America to Godliness. When the people lead, the leaders will follow. Victory will come when His people are courageous in their stand for a Godly America. That courage will come when people understand how and why God created the universe; why the Son incarnated as Jesus, lived a sinless life, was murdered by evil men, and why His death allows salvation; why evil exists; why Godly sexuality is important; and why family is the center of a Godly society. Read my books – form study groups, debate the issues, grasp the concepts, share/teach/preach.
  • Join the Coalition, be active, be a leader or supporter. The Coalition will be the vehicle of victory – one sharing with two. Be part of the solution, learn the concepts, share and teach the concepts, be part of a local and virtual group. Gather together to discuss the concepts, dissect and extract the meaning of my books. Share the concepts of my books with everyone you know and enroll them in personal Godliness. Learn and teach with the ways of personal and group Godliness. This site will become a teaching and learning site. Refer back often. Subscribe to the Newsletter. Communicate, ask questions, answer questions, be part of the process of maturing the Body of Christ.
  • A write-in candidacy is usually not a serious attempt to win. I was called, and I will win if it is the Lord’s will. I expect a great awakening of people’s hearts. Many, including myself, suspect voter fraud may play a role in swinging the election toward Democrat/RINO candidates. Signup/join/register with the database as a member of “The Coalition.” Within that community, we will organize, form subgroups, city groups, county groups, state groups, and national groups. Leaders will naturally emerge. Local leaders and supporters will encourage membership. Meeting will be times of fellowship, learning, discussion, planning action in voting. The Coalition will participate in influencing all elections, at all levels. When the numbers are sufficient, when we know we can win, write-in Dr. Thomas. Until that time be a community organizer, learn how God may have created the creation from His spirit/consciousness, know the issues, read the Bible daily, and live holy.
  • If you want to donate money to promote my candidacy, then use your own initiative. You can spend any amount of money on promotion of any type, but without any tax benefit. Legal counsel has informed me that you are expressing your right to free speech when you freely purchase promotion for my campaign. Remember to report it to the FEC if you spend more than $200. (See FEC report form)
  • If you have no extra money, then give your body, Mind, and spirit power to the effort. We have all felt powerless in the face of the media-corporate-government cancellation-propaganda-fake news juggernaut. This is an opportunity to confront Goliath. Appeal to Heaven. Discuss my candidacy on social media, mention my name on call-in talk shows, and leave comments about my position in articles. Be creative.
  • Join a local group of revolutionaries against evil. Be known, be present, form a group, merge with other groups, make it fun, enjoy the fellowship. Be a leader, be bold, ask people to join and participate, listen, or lead. Be part of a circle of local in-person and virtual/online support. Influence your circle with your conviction and opinions. Tell your friends about my campaign. Have ongoing discussions about the issues with a group. Meet for breakfast, lunch, or dinner in homes or restaurants. Break up large groups into smaller groups of 150 max (traditional number of a tribe – you can and should know everyone). It’s OK to be part of several groups. Form coalitions of cells. Do events, have speakers, invite me to attend a virtual/zoom video appearance. Read my books, understand and tell my story. Discuss the issues with your family around the dinner table, on trips, and after events. Talk to your friends about my policies. Wear a button. Send me your ideas about how to solve the problems of humanity or ask a question.
  • People can only find out about my candidacy and campaign from someone they know, from articles they read, or signs they see. This website is dynamic. My positions will change as new ideas and considerations emerge. The wisdom of the group must be included. I am asking you to elect me as the leader of the nation in developing Godly character and wise/workable policy issues. The influence you exert, the alliances you create, the networks you form in electing me President will translate into a widespread, ongoing influence on your State and Federal representatives, judges, and administrators.
  • Corruption and disloyalty to Godly principles will be exposed in my administration. As evil is brought into the light, allow forgiveness, expect confession, repentance, rehabilitation, and restoration in fellowship. We cannot ignore the wrong done without exposure and shame – the consequences of earthly shame are small compared to exposure before the throne of God. Confess your sins before men. After confession and repentance, restoration to Godly service is appropriate as maturity in Godliness grows. We are all sinners and we all need grace.
  • You can share my website URL on social media.  You can write articles about me, and letters to the editor. (Please send me a copy of any media you create or see published.)
  • Ask me to be on your podcast or YouTube channel.
  • Donate to my campaign by spending your own money to print bumper stickers, yard signs, or any other form of advertising. I think the most effective promotion will be word of mouth and mentoring new converts.
  • See the template page for print-ready artwork for bumper stickers, pins, hats, and brochures.
  • See the media page for position papers, background, and news releases.
  • Please mention my name and website on your social media posts.
  • Create newspaper, magazine, and website ads (see templates or make your own).
  • There is no tax deduction available for your expenditures to the campaign. Report contributions over $200 to the FEC.
  • Only spend your money to support me if you believe in my position and are sincere about winning.
  • The most generous and most precious gift is your heart and life. Live in God’s will and way.
  • We are Making American Godly Again – One Soul at a Time.
  • Be part of the revolution to overthrow the rule of evil on Earth.
  • Prepare the church for His return to rule and reign and the True King and ruler.
  • I intend to win. I believe the miracle of God’s rule on Earth is coming. We can be part of bringing it.
  • The maturity of the campaign and groundswell of support will be obvious at some point, until then work diligently in faith. Purify your heart. Read the Bible daily. Ask God for the miracle of Godly government. Expect it, see it, feel it, speak it, know it is coming. Live in the hope and faith of our redemption from the curse of evil we have brought upon America by our corporate acceptance of pride in rebellion against God’s way.
  • When my victory is obvious, write-in Dr. Thomas Lee Abshier for President in your State Primary and Federal General Election. Until then, vote for the best man that can win.

Interviews / Videos / Podcasts / Transcripts / Media

Books by Dr. Thomas

Live the Bible and Vote - Liberty in Christ Through Knowledge, Holiness, and Participation

Why should we believe, live a holy life, and participate in the political process? If God created the universe and gave the Bible as His revelation, then we should follow its prescription for personal and societal order.


The Conscious Point Physics - Evidence and Theory of God's Omnipresence

An examination of the evidence and theories of physics in light of the postulated existence of a universe filled with Conscious Points. God created the universe by creating Conscious Points, filling all of space with them, and constructing the physical universe using them as elemental building blocks.


Truth Seeker - My Journey from Drugs, Cults, and Science to Christ

My personal story of transformation from a doubting Thomas and man of science, through 40 cults, gurus, religions, and teachings to a man of faith, feeling, and reason from a divinely inspired altered state.

Creation to the Cross - God's Character and Purpose in Creating the Creation

My interpretation of the Bible and God’s revelation of Himself to man in the light of the Conscious Point paradigm of the sequence, structures, and substance of the creation.

* These books will be available for sale online after completing the editing process.

The Coalition

The Coalition to Make America Godly Again


  • Join the Coalition if you are committed to the goal of Making America Godly Again.
  • Join if you understand and agree with the Coalition’s purpose.
  • The Coalition is non-denominational and united around the general principles of Christianity, as was intended by George Washington.
  • The intent of the Coalition is to affect the culture for Christ. Spread the word, enroll membership via in-person and virtual contact.
  • The goal of the Coalition is to enroll enough like-minded patriots dedicated to manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth that we will win the 2024 General Election.
  • A large number of patriots, dedicated to electing Godly representatives, can influence local, county, state, and federal elections.
  • The organization will be loose, local, personal and dedicated to accountability in personal holiness to Live the Bible and Vote.
  • Sign up for Coalition if you wish to be publicly identified and connected with this movement as a leader or supporter. Public identification of your stand is not necessary, but it is a bold expression of your commitment to Make America Godly. If you choose to be a member of the Coalition, your information will be used to establish groups for action and support. Note, this will require courage. You may suffer attacks by evil forces. There is some safety in numbers. It’s OK to wait to take an open stand for righteousness until you have formed your own cell. It will never be completely safe to stand up openly to evil. If we are going to win, it will require vulnerability, some risk, some potential cost and there is the potential of persecution.
  • There will be no central coordination or vetting of participants in the Coalition. Local cells, individual members, will evaluate their fellow member’s character, integrity, and commitment. Every person in the Coalition is accountable to every member of the Coalition. This is a church, a body of believers who gather for fellowship, edification, and support in sanctification of the body of Christ. There is no secret membership roll, plan of action, or method of enrollment. Qualification for membership is a commitment to personal and corporate Godliness. I expect every member to challenge the commitment of every other member in living a Godly life. No one is superior or inferior, every man has a mind, heart and voice, speak your truth and listen to feedback. The Coalition organization is transparent, grass roots, informal, and local. The Coalition is a community of Godly men, dedicated to bringing in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
  • Every person must make his own evaluation of the level of support for electing me President. I expect connections between Coalition cells will form, information will flow, and consensus will arise. I do not want to divide the conservative/Christian/patriot vote. Until you are certain I will win, do not write in my name – vote for the best, most Godly, most qualified man. But when there is sufficient support to win, it will be obvious. When you are certain we will win, write in “Dr Thomas Lee Abshier” for President on the 2024 General Election ballot. Be involved, participate, give your life to this project – your life and America’s future depends on it.

After joining, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a unique private link in order to update any of your info.

Forgot your private link? Click here to have it emailed to you.

Questions, Comments, Reports, and Support

  • Please comment on my articles at the bottom of each article.
  • The purpose of this campaign is to:
    1) Unite the body of Christ in the Coalition to produce effective political action to legislate, enforce and judge according to Godly law, in order to bring the kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
    2) To support the believers in holiness, giving reason to believe, counsel and encouragement to stay strong in the faith and Godliness.
    3) To reason with unbelievers to believe in God, follow His Law, and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord of their lives.
    4) Create a sufficient movement to take the White House in 2024. 
  • What tools do you need to witness to unbelievers and activate believers to take part in the fight against evil? 
  • If I’ve not written an article on an important topic  (e.g. philosophical, theological, scientifice, politicals, social, economic…)  please send me a message.
  • If you see a solution I have not considered, plase send me your ideas and insights about how to solve our nation’s problems.
  • Send me a message using this form or send an email to:  moc.s1729523878etulo1729523878sbafo1729523878yroeh1729523878t@sam1729523878ohtrd1729523878
  • If I am able to respond, I will write an email or an article and post it on the site or include it in my newsletter. 
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