The Transformation of America by God’s Power

by | Sep 29, 2023 | Christianity in Politics, Libertarian Politics, Politics | 0 comments

Transformation of America by the Power of God
Conversation between Thomas, Margo, Joe, and John

First Conversation:
The Power of God to Transform Hearts and Minds

2 Timothy 3:5 “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” This verse is normally interpreted as denying God’s ability to transform hearts and minds through faith, prayer, and His Holy Spirit. But God works through people and groups/institutions. The power of God, the righteous patterns of His Word, should be legislated and enforced by governments.
– Man can modify His character by committed effort to a degree. God can radically change people for the better through spiritual regeneration and transformation by His Spirit. Prayer, meditation on the Word, incorporating its principles into daily life, and surrendering to serving His will are the forces that allow God to work a miracle.
– All philosophies, religions, and techniques have some effect on the mind/heart. But the Word of God, being the True pattern reflecting God’s will and way, is the most perfect and effective. The power of God is activated by a heart committed to manifesting His will. The change may be positive inner change through discipline, health, opportunities, and society.
– Examples like the Welsh Revival demonstrate how entire communities can experience revival and positive change through prayer when it unleashes the power of the Holy Spirit.
– The gospel has the power to change both individuals and societies. The message of Christ as Savior begins the journey of sanctification by redeeming us from the wages of sin by accepting His substitutionary sacrifice. Sanctification, becoming holy, comes by following His teachings and submitting to His will as the Lord of our lives.
– Gradual change will occur through reason and conviction of the truth of His deity and message. Our devotion and love of Him and love of His way will grow deeper as we let Him into our hearts. The deep communion comes as we surrender to the leading of God’s Spirit. We attune to His voice by meditating on the Word of God, the Bible. His Words are food to our souls, and feeding on them regularly brings about a gradual metamorphosis of our hearts, souls, and character.
– As His disciples, as His hands extended, we must speak and live the Bible’s principles in our daily work, commerce, and fellowship. We commanded in the Great Commission to share the Gospel/the good news and baptize in His name. By testifying to His saving power, His Lordship, and His way of living, we are changing hearts, sanctifying America to be like the Kingdom of Heaven in preparation for His return to rule and reign.
– Satan opposes us as he acts on the hearts and minds of politicians, performers, criminals, and every ordinary man, tempting us to violate God’s law. Satan seeks to place us under slavery by violating God’s will and way, and he seeks to harm us and harvest our pain to empower satanic miracles of death and decay. We must resist his temptations lest we contribute to our demise by our own hands.
-In summary, faith in Christ’s saving power, the guiding principles of His Word/the Bible, attunes us to the leading of the Holy Spirit, which has the power to deeply change individual’s hearts and their societies to govern and live according to the righteous principles of Godliness.

Margo Abshier 39:10 :
Two major forces are pulling on creation. One is God, and one is Satan. Satan will always pull toward totalitarianism, and God will always pull toward freedom. When a person commits their life to live God’s way, living for Jesus, and accepting the sacrifice of Jesus, God gives people the power to change. He gives them the incentive to change, and He gives them the ability to change. No other philosophy, religion, or technique can radically change people for the better. Only God can help people change for the better. Without His guidance, they will succumb to the pull of the satanic realm.

Thomas Abshier 41:36
I recently went through a tipping point in my writing. In the process of my analysis of what needed to be done to save America, I saw that we must legislate morality as revealed in the Bible. This changes everything. With this frame, we no longer need to avoid including Biblical principles in law. Government can be the overt guardian and agent of God, acting in society to govern according to the principles of Godliness, which will bring in the Kingdom of heaven.

We are now Christian soldiers, Christian nationalists, asking that the government use its power to enforce Biblical morality. Someone’s morality will be imposed by every law, whether secular or a principle embedded within religion. As Christians, we should boldly ask for the government to legislate Biblical Godliness. We should not legislate religious practices.

When Jesus returns to rule and reign, He will use the power of government to legislate Godliness, adjudicate violations according to His standards, and enforce compliance with His law. We should attempt to duplicate that pattern now and, in so doing, bring His Kingdom to Earth. I introduced and elaborated on that concept in one of my recent essays.

Margo Abshier 42:47
The scripture that you were first mentioned about denying the power of God to change people is 2 Timothy 3:5 “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

Thomas Abshier 42:57
I think that verse is commonly interpreted as talking about laying hands on people, healing them, casting out demons, and praying for their personal transformation and circumstances. But I realized that this verse may refer to the application of earthly/governmental power behind enforcing Biblical standards. This is, the power of government should be used to oppose evil by passing laws against sin.

Margo Abshier 43:07
The State and media have allied to say that homosexuality has the power to change people. The myth is now perpetrated that people have no power to change if they ever identify as, or have the feelings of being, attracted to their same sex. They say God doesn’t have the power to change people, but that’s the lie. You don’t turn submit to the temptations and power of the devil; you turn toward God and become more holy.

Thomas Abshier 43:23
My libertarian friend John gave up trying to convert people to be libertarians or anarcho-capitalists after 40 years of trying to convince people that an authoritarian monopoly government was being used to put people into slavery. But it makes sense that he was ineffective in converting people to libertarianism because the power of God is not acting to change hearts and minds to libertarianism.  Libertarianism is a Godless religion, as evidenced by their lack of a stand for Godly sexuality. They stand for the absolute sovereignty of the individual and their right to intoxicate and engage in any mutually agreed upon unGodly sexuality. Thus, if there is power in libertarianism, it is not a Godly power.

The force of conversion to libertarianism is largely intellectual. The libertarians attempt to enroll people in rejecting the rule of oligarchs/authoritarians and the democratic majority by using the tools of reason and logic. The libertarians believe in a system of government with very little power other than to enforce the prohibition of aggressive acts. The libertarian creed of personal conduct includes 1) the non-aggression principles, 2) every adult is sovereign, 3) every adult has the right to govern and defend their own property, 4) every adult has the right to make choices regarding sexuality with any consenting competent adult, 5) every adult has the right to making any choice regarding ingesting of intoxicants or medicine, and 6) all interactions should comply with the Golden rule.

In effect, the libertarians want to replace the Biblical text with their own system of morality. Libertarians reject democracy because it imposes the tyranny of the majority on a minority who does not agree to the terms and conditions demanded by the majority. Libertarians reject the rule of authoritarians (whether democratically elected, self-appointed, or elevated by oligarchs) who declare laws and require others to comply using the force of government.

The libertarian offers the hope of living under a system where people choose their own laws based upon the libertarian principles. That allows people to do anything they want in the realm of consensual sex, personally administered intoxicants and medicine, and the decision to die. Libertarians argue that it is better to live in a world where people have self-destructive values, without the power to impose those values on others than living under the boot of authoritarians with the power of government telling and forcing everything you can and cannot do.

Libertarianism wants people to give people the freedom to act out anything they want as individuals who do not force another person to do anything and honor the Golden Rule. John has been trying to convert people to the Godless libertarian religion for 40 years and has not seen that people actually change to adopt the libertarian/anarcho-capitalist worldview, so he has given up trying to change other people’s minds. He now just wants to have a frontier to escape to if necessary, and he is working with the GOP to try to keep the freedoms that he has now out of a self-protective motivation.

The religion of libertarianism doesn’t use or call on the power of God to change people’s hearts to Godliness. But given that libertarianism stands for unregulated personal choice of unGodly sexuality and intoxication, libertarianism may be, without awareness or acknowledgment, using the power of Satan to influence people to support its agenda. Libertarianism is overtly asking people to place America under a governmental system that allows people to satisfy their libertine/animal/self-destructive instincts/drives/passions. This call to freedom to choose unGodliness without any government restraint is clearly opposing the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Margo Abshier 43:54
The power to change is through the Holy Spirit. Nobody can change without the Holy Spirit. People can change for the worse, grit their teeth, try to do better, and change a little by their willpower, but ultimately, everyone has to recognize a power above them that gives them the power to change. The power of the Holy Spirit is to be changed from glory to glory. In 2 Corinthians 3:17 “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

This scripture talks about liberty being where the Spirit of the Lord is. Verse 18 says that the veil is removed that was over the word. Before, people couldn’t understand it. But God is saying that now, we, with unveiled faces, look into the beautiful word of God and are changed. By His power, we can go through a metamorphosis, like from a caterpillar into a butterfly. The word of God changes us, from glory to glory, into his self-same image. We can be like God, we can love like God, and we can grow like God. We can be merciful like God. The power of the spirit of liberty, the anointing of the Word of God, can metamorphose us from glory to glory into the very image of Jesus and the Father.

That’s the power. And that’s the power they deny. I’m not trying to be God. I’m trying to transform myself into perfection as our heavenly Father is perfect. I’m trying to transform by using the power of the Word into his self-same image by the power of the Holy Spirit. But you need to power the Holy Spirit and the power of the word, anointed by the Holy Spirit, to change from glory to glory. That’s the power of the gospel. To become all that God created us to be. To put on the mind of Christ.

All these concepts are important. The gospel has the power to change people and to change society. The Welsh Revival started with two little old ladies sitting around praying. One was half blind, and they were sitting around the fire at night, praying fervently over Wales. And all of a sudden, it hit. The same preacher who had been preaching for years suddenly started saying things under the power of God; people started coming to the church. People started getting saved. And all of a sudden, the jails were empty. Before, the jails were full because they’d round up the drunks every night and throw them in jail. And suddenly, there was nothing for the police to do anymore. People got saved, they stopped drinking, they stopped carousing, they stopped breaking things, they stopped stealing things. Even the people in the coal mines in Wales changed. The guys who drove the mules that carried the coal cars in and out of the mines used to swear at the mules to make them move. When the power of God moved on them, they stopped cursing, and the mules didn’t know what to do. They had to retrain the mules to respond to words that were not curse words. That’s the power we’re looking for. That is the power to change people. And when that happens, when that hits, oh my.

What you are doing now with your website, writing, and campaigning is just tilling the field. You are throwing seeds here and there, telling people about the gospel, why to believe, what to believe, and where to apply it, and sending it everywhere. And someday, it’s going to be ready. When it is, we will put it out there daily in a newsletter with one of your recent articles or ones written years ago. And we send that stuff out there. And so, every day, you have a newsletter to send out. And if a new issue comes up, you can write another article, and we can send it out in a newsletter. You don’t have to have everything written and posted on the website before you let people know about it. This is your bailiwick. You’ve been working toward this your whole life, and I’m just your help meet. I just put some concepts in there now and then for you to consider.

The power of God is not just laying hands on the sick and having them healed. The power of God is the power to change people and change society. When that power acts, God is working to establish His kingdom on earth. The power of God is the gospel. I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it’s the power of God unto salvation. It’s the power of God to transform people. It’s the power of God to transform societies. America can change overnight with this information, with this template of devotion and submission to the Word of God in their lives. Christians can wake up and go, wow, it really is powerful. We are supposed to stand up for what’s right. We are supposed to impose righteous/Godly/Biblical principles on people. Because if we don’t, it’s all going to fall apart. We want to save this for our grandchildren, a phrase which so many people of our generation say. There’s only one way to do it. And that’s the power of God to salvation. And those who deny that power, or bow to another power, will turn and rend you. But that’s okay. Just keep going. Put your hand to the plow and keep plowing.

Second Conversation, a day later:

– Everyone is born fallen and imperfect due to original sin, unable to save or perfectly transform themselves by their own efforts alone.
– While attempting self-improvement, people inevitably fall short of God’s perfect standards and need help in transformation.
– Only through accepting the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ can a person find salvation, mediation, and reconciliation with God the Father.
– This relationship with God through Christ, mediated by the Holy Spirit, is the only way to overcome his sinful nature and be made perfectly righteous.
– Relying on oneself or worldly solutions alone leads to continued spiritual decay until death, while Christ offers eternal life and true inward change.
– All people, regardless of outward appearance, have a God-shaped void inside that only He can fill through an intimate personal relationship with the Creator.
– Coming to God any way other than through Christ is akin to rejecting the only valid path and presuming to enter His presence through one’s own works or witchcraft.
-In summary, our fallen human nature demands every person acknowledge their innate imperfection and inability to transform or save themselves without the power of God through the Holy Spirit. We must submit to the Lordship of Christ as our sole source and agent of our eternal spiritual redemption and inner renewal.
– People may think they are good or morally upright based on their outward behavior and how they appear to others, but God alone truly knows every person’s inner thoughts, intents, and imperfections.
– Attempting self-improvement through willpower and moral effort alone can make some incremental positive changes, but this effort will fall far short of the holiness, perfect love, and character of God that humanity was created to reflect.
– Coming to God on one’s own terms or through means other than accepting Christ’s atoning work risks the spiritual fate described as being thrown out from His presence for rejecting the only divinely authorized path of salvation.
– Relationships with God through faith in Christ empower the indwelling Holy Spirit to progressively sanctify and transform believers more into the image of their creator from one level of glory to the next throughout life.
– Relying solely on self or secular philosophies and teachings can never correct the flaws in human nature or empower true overcoming of inherent sinful tendencies that will otherwise lead to continued decay.
– While one cannot force belief or transformation on another, proclaiming the gospel offers men the choice to accept the redemption offered by Christ’s sacrifice. This free gift is available for everyone regardless of outward circumstances or professed virtue.

Thomas Abshier 00:34
I had a thought about people needing to make a change, wanting to change, and changing. We talked the other day about people changing because of the power of God through the Word and the Holy Spirit. In my campaign and witness, what is it we’re really trying to heal, to change and redeem? What is the change that people really want to make? Do we want them to become Republicans, be more disciplined in their work, not drink too much, control their sexual appetites (adultery, fornication, homosexuality, trans, porn…), to be kind, honest in their dealings? Are these things people struggle with and want to be transformed to be better? What is it we are fighting? What is it that the Holy Spirit and the Word give people the power to overcome? What is the endpoint that we’re trying to go toward? Is this what people are having trouble with? Most people have trouble controlling their sexuality; it’s a strong animal drive. And I think it’s common for people to drink too much. In situations of embarrassment, people have trouble with honesty. I think we all struggle with overcoming our animal nature. Do you think that is the basis of the average man’s struggle for change and transformation to holiness? What are we promising people if they follow the Word and Holy Spirit?

I think most people try to do the right thing and be good. Most people say they don’t drink too much, try to be honest in their dealings, help others and be kind, be sexually faithful, and generally try to be good. Most people are not looking to change or for a relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Most people are not actively pursuing a study of the Word of God.

When confronted, many would ask, “How would it make me better? What would it do for me? In what way would I change?” It seems like the masses of humanity are just trying to be decent and don’t think they have a need for a physician. And yet that probably is not true, as the nation has decayed and come under authoritarian rule by a government directed by a few satanic and corrupt representatives that govern/rule us,

It doesn’t seem like the average man feels a deep need for the message and transformation of the Bible. Some have actively rejected God’s call to Godliness, hardened their hearts, deadened their conscience, and pursued the benefits promised by evil/Satan. For example, corrupt politicians sell their influence and use the power of the State for their personal benefit. Everyone in society suffers for the benefit of these few.

The corrupt politicians who sell out the entire nation for personal and family enrichment are in the same class as those who choose a life of organized crime and worship of Satan. Some people are victims, born into poverty, and others have lost their way through drugs, alcohol, and terrible circumstances. Others have chosen the life of crime out of necessity, temptation, or passion, joined gangs, or become thieves, robbers, or mass murderers.

The most obvious problem is that the predator class and criminals must change. The corrupt politicians/elected representatives need a radical change of heart. Given that we live in a democracy, the hearts of the people need to change en masse, to vote out those who have abused their trust and opposed God. A national/widespread revival is the solution to all problems of America. When hearts are renewed, and the patterns of Godliness are embraced by a nation of people who meditate on the words of the Bible daily, then their efforts can be focused by Godly leaders. The principles of Godliness can be converted into legislation, executive enforcement, and righteous judgment. Private industry should do almost everything, but the government can provide a moral framework.

The radically saved Christian activists need to be bold and enroll others in living right, voting right, passing Biblically correct laws, and prosecuting those who violate those laws. The masses of lukewarm Christians need to be activated into purposeful Godly action. The believers who leave the faith must be given reasons why the Bible is true so that they can return to the faith and be part of the solution. The unbeliever/secular citizens will be enrolled by their newly energized and bold colleagues’ witness, testimony, and actions.

The rehabilitation of America requires different actions depending on the state of decay, rebellion, ignorance, disinformation, or disinterest. Some need education and discipline, and others need a complete change in their hearts. Some know that life is bad and want to change. The average person may feel that life is fine/acceptable/adequate and thus be unmotivated. Some people who live a life of crime, drunkenness, or violation of Biblical sexual standards may feel content with their lifestyle. Some may feel stuck in their circumstances and not see a way out. Others may profit from serving Satan and have sworn allegiance to him in return for desired benefits.

It isn’t obvious who are the souls who are open enough to hear the word and repent. The average man whose life is comfortable doesn’t feel the need to change his heart to radical devotion to God. The criminals and corrupt politicians benefit from their chosen profession as predators. The homeless, drug addicted, mentally ill, and poor need more than just reciting the Sinner’s prayer.

My campaign strategy is first to win the hearts of the masses, the average man, and the Christians who are lukewarm. In their current state, if they witness such people do so without conviction, passion, and power. When Christendom speaks with boldness, and stands on the Truth of the Word of God, the resources will become available to help the poor. The radically convinced have the strength to resist the rebels against God. As His disciples, as warriors for His Kingdom, we want everyone to repent, accept Jesus as their Lord, invite the Holy Spirit to speak to their hearts, and live the Word of God. We want everyone filled with the power of God and motivated to choose Godliness in their daily lives. We want everyone to vote for Godly candidates, and if called, serve with a Godly heart and standards in public office.

Solving the problem of crime, corruption, homelessness, and rebellion against Godly sexuality, and converting this world into an earthly version of the Kingdom of Heaven, is the endpoint of the campaign. The beginning point is giving the good people, the Christians who believe, but feel powerless, the justification and Holy-Spirit power to speak the Truth. The average Christian at least knows, and may actually live by the good and moral/Biblical standards, but many do not use the power of the Holy Spirit, or advocate for government to legislate Biblically defined Godliness. This cohort of America must be activated to live openly and loudly as bold witnesses for Godliness. Most Christians are decent, ordinary people, struggling with their lives, tempted by sin, and doing their best to be good people. This cohort is close, but must be enrolled in voting for Godly legislation and Godly candidates.

The next group is the average person who is not a believer but lives a good life. This group tries to do the best they can, but they may not feel accountable to God in an afterlife. Some people say, “I don’t have a need for religion, the Bible, Jesus, or salvation. I’m, happy living life. I don’t need to overcome anything but the challenges of life or do anything other than living well. There is no God, so I have to decide what is right, and have the right to do what I think is right. That person is not motivated or seeking, and they feel satisfied with life as it is.  This group is difficult to motivate to change.

Margo Abshier 07:46
I came to Christ because I saw I was becoming like the people I hated. There is a constant pull when you’re already a fallen creature. And we’re born fallen. We’re not born perfect. And we don’t know anything. We’re born with a largely blank slate. We came into a fallen world, and everyone knows that changes need to be made in the hearts of men. People need God and need to get saved. We can tell everyone that we are all sinners. We all fall short of the glory of God. Knowing Jesus is essential for all of us. We can’t pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. Nobody can be like God without the power of the Holy Spirit, and without the Word of God, we don’t know the standards to live by. No one is able to overcome and be good without the power of God acting in our lives. We start from a fallen state. We are all sinners. To change from sinner to saint, we all need the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the word of God.

Thomas Abshier 09:17
So, your thesis is that people are fallen and imperfect. If they look into their hearts, everyone would see that they are not living in full Godliness. If we ask ourselves if we could be more honest, loving, caring, sympathetic, faithful, diligent, hardworking, serviceful, and dedicated, we would all look at our hearts and l say, “I could do better.”

Margo Abshier 10:10
I’m saying no man comes to the Father but by Jesus. And there’s no way to change yourself. You can’t change yourself. Only God can change a person. And so, you need to work with Him to change yourself, but more than that, it’s a relationship. Everybody needs God because He created us with a God-shaped hole in our hearts. And if you don’t put Jesus in that space, you won’t be fulfilled. Many people think they are good already. They might wear a nice set of clothing. They might look like they’re good people and even act outraged at the bad people, but they don’t do anything about it. In fact, we see Republican Representatives in the House and Senate vote with the Democrats to give them the majorities they need to pass bills with demonic, fiscally irresponsible, enslaving, unGodly purpose and effect.

People are not always what they present themselves to be. But it isn’t for us to judge their eternal fate. That’s between them and God. Everybody needs Jesus to mediate for our worthiness to stand in front of the Father. Everybody needs God because God created us to need Him. If people say, I don’t need God, I’m a good person, then dust the dirt off your feet and go on to the next person. Just plant the seeds and let God water and see what happens. Matthew 19:17 “And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.”

No one can save themselves. No one can make themselves a better person. If you don’t give your life to Jesus, you are just gonna continue to fall and get worse till you die. Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

I need God’s help to be changed into God’s image. With man’s efforts alone, that is impossible. Trying to get into the Father’s presence without God’s help is witchcraft. Jesus is the doorway to the Father, and you have to go through him. If you’re trying to get in through the back door or over the wall, that’s not the right way, and you get thrown out of the wedding feast. You have to come to the Father the right way. John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Matthew 22:11-14 “And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen.”


Third Conversation:

– There are two spiritual forces at work in the world – God, who pulls toward freedom, and Satan, who pulls toward totalitarian control and subjugation of humanity.
– People can be sanctified/transformed/changed/born again/made new in the image of Christ by surrendering to the power of the Word and the working of the Holy Spirit. When enough individuals have been sanctified, society will change through 1) the democratic process of electing Godly representatives and enacting Godly laws, 2) the private voluntary compliance with God’s Law, and 3) the loving, caring social relationships among people evidencing the fruit of the spirit.
Galatians 5:22-23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”
– When we submit to the Lordship of Jesus, we change our allegiance from following the hunger of the flesh to following His will and way. He gives us His Holy Spirit to guide and empower us to resist our animal drives. We recognize His voice leading us by feeding on the Word and implanting it in our hearts.
– We can improve our character to an extent through reason and personal discipline, but we have a new priority of allegiance when we fully surrender our hearts and minds to God’s will and way. We are healed by confessing our sins to Him and others, and our intimacy is restored.
– In my campaign to Make America Godly Again, I will first focus my efforts on enrolling devout Christians. Their strength of faith and righteous lives testify to the power of living the Biblical principles. This group will provide the strong leadership of Coalition cells as they study the Word and guide the newer members as they grow in the Lord.
– The second group I will enroll in the Coalition are the lukewarm and backslidden believers. Through my writing, videos, and speaking, I present principles that help validate the Christian faith. My goal is to give them certainty and boldness in witnessing and confronting the doubts and arguments of secular people/ non-believers.
– Other groups may not be receptive to the gospel until the circumstances of life improve. Some actively reject God and embrace evil. Some rebel against God, feeling they are victims of their circumstances, such as poverty, abuse, and sickness, and choose unGodly lifestyles by following their life trajectories. Others are unmotivated to change because their life as unbelievers is adequately comfortable.
– To produce results in such a large crusade requires courage and faith. I have faith that God exists and that legislating, enforcing, and adjudicating according to the general principles of Christianity will make America a lovely, heavenly, peaceful, and joyful place to live.
– Producing Heaven on Earth will rely on a clear understanding of the Truth of God’s Word, a plan to address the problems, and many leaders to teach and organize. Reliable voting blocs and group-level accountability for Godly living will create an environment where Godly change can prosper.
– To populate the Coalition cells and grow new leaders, the lukewarm, backslidden, and unbeliever must be given reason to believe and act passionately. The Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit are the foundation for all policy and societal changes. Hopefully, my writing and theory will be helpful. The testimony and counsel of other believers will have the most impact.
– Spiritual transformation, plus creating opportunities for the victims of circumstance, will allow the unfortunate to grow out of their dysfunction and rebellion against God.
– The malicious, those dedicated to perpetration, must be isolated and rehabilitated.
– Spiritual transformation is the foundation of personal and societal change in government and institutions.
– The libertarian political philosophy stands for minimizing government coercion, but its flaw is its advocacy of unGodly sexuality, intoxication, and personal sin without at least government censure.
– Government exists as God’s delegated authority to curb evil and protect the rights of its citizenry as elaborated in the Bill of Rights and the Bible.
– Imperfect people fill governmental offices and fall prey to the temptation of trading influence for personal gain. Corruption perverts law, justice, and enforcement and results in the fall of civilizations.
– Both the population and government must overtly recognize their accountability to God and His moral standards. The Bible’s standard of right and wrong must be the basis of the government’s administration, legislation, and adjudication.
– Christianity’s transformational power depends on reading, understanding, and living by the Bible. Our conviction grows as we see the power of transformation in ourselves and the lives of others. The transformation of the individual is the foundation for the transformation of society.
– While confronting societal evil, believers must live righteously and support government legislation, adjudication, and enforcement of Biblical standards.
– Continued grassroots civic organizing, leadership development, and cultural engagement provide avenues for change even amid prevailing oppositional forces.
– Spirit-empowered endurance and long-term perspective sustain the hope of a reversal of the decay we see through a revival of passion for Godliness overtaking society.
– Escaping corrupted societal control through frontier isolation may be hoped for someday, but confrontation against evil seems unavoidable.

Holy Spirit Scriptures:

  • Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17
  • Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
  • Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.  1 Corinthians 6:19-20
  • And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.  John 14:16
  • But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26
  • Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16
  • Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:3-4
  • Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5
  • And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30
  • If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him! Luke 11:13
  • I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them. Ezekiel 36:27
  • And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:31
  • But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8
  • But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Jude 1:20-21
  • Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-2
  • Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness. Psalm 143:10
  • For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. 1 Corinthians 2:11
  • Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38
  • But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. John 15:26
  • The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. 2 Corinthians 13:14
  • And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him. Acts 5:32
  • But when they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand, or premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit. Mark 13:11
  • When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. Acts 19:5-6
  • As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Acts 13:2
  • For prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:21
  • This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel:
    ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’
    Says the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 4:6
  • Where can I go from Your Spirit?
    Or where can I flee from Your presence?
    If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
    If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. Psalm 139:7-8
  • When all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized; and while He prayed, the heaven was opened. And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” Luke 3:21-22
  • The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
    Because the Lord has anointed Me
    To preach good tidings to the poor;
    He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
    To proclaim liberty to the captives,
    And the opening of the prison to those who are bound. Isaiah 61:1
  • Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit. Titus 3:5
  • And as I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them, as upon us at the beginning. Acts 11:15
  • I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’  John 1:33
  • But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 1:20
  • Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come. Matthew 12:32
  • Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have? Acts 10:47
  • In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Genesis 1:1-2
  • Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He poured out this which you now see and hear. Acts 2:33
  • Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Matthew 12:31
  • Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied. Acts 9:31
  • And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:35
  • Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1:18

Thomas Abshier 22:47
My website has a lot of articles on it. I talk about the plan to change America and solve our problems.

Joe 23:03
That’s what people are looking for. We need some kind of solution that is better than what’s being done now.

Margo Abshier 23:09
Lots of campaign websites have very little on them. That can’t be said about the website.

Thomas Abshier 23:21
What I’m trying to do is identify what the fundamental problem is, and then focus my energy at solving the root problem.

Margo Abshier 23:27
The problem is that people need to repent and reconcile with God.

Thomas Abshier 23:33
Yes, that is the bottom line. I have been writing an essay in the last couple of days about who is my real audience. You can get a hint of my analysis by looking at my logo, a cross in the center of a circular rainbow, with the motto, “Taking back the rainbow.” My website calls for repentance, holiness, Biblical standards, and Godly values.

If I am going to lead the nation in Godly values, the question is how to do it. What is the group that needs to change the most? What is the group most amenable to making this transformation of making America Godly again? And what group can influence the rest of the population most? I went through an analysis of this question and came up with five population subdivisions.

The First group is the most depraved. This group is rebellious and destructive. This group contains Satanists, organized crime members, and sociopaths. This group cares about themselves and their personal benefit. The sociopath has no feelings for others. Obviously, these people need to change, but they are least open to change. You can’t just tell them the four spiritual laws (Campus Crusade for Christ) and ask them to say the Sinner’s prayer, ask them to repent, and give their life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In general, people are not motivated until they are in pain.

Steps of Transformation:
1) Pain – Arrest, public exposure to shame, or great loss (freedom, money, reputation, or health). Transformation and rehabilitation require the power of God. The heart of even the most depraved can be changed. The steps of transformation usually require,
2) Care – connection with someone who cares for their soul,
3) Witnessing – the testimony of a counselor, pastor, jailer, friend/family that transformation is possible, with personal stories and stories of others to encourage and model,
4) Prayer – intercessory and personal prayer,
5) The Word – implanting the Word, reading the Bible, memorizing its words, studying its meaning,
6) Commitment – Committing one’s life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, which means living according to the standards of the Bible,
7) Sanctification – Listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit, their conscience, that inner voice about what is right.
8) Service – Serving the needs of others, caring about their well-being, and being served by God and man, and being grateful.

The Second group is in the general category of being victims. They’re the people caught up in gangs and crime. They may have grown up in bad home situations, got in with the wrong crowds, or were seduced into drugs and became addicted or debilitated. This group developed bad behaviors/habits because of the environment they grew up in. They did not consciously choose to be bad, but they ended up bad/anti-social/criminal/dependent because that was how they were nurtured and grew. This group has deeply embedded habits of behavior. They can change but require the same rehabilitation steps as the first group. They must first recognize the pain of their lives. Pain is the universal and necessary motivation for change.

The Third group is the average non-Christian/Secular American. They are good people who are trying to do the right thing. They don’t believe in God, don’t see any need to believe in heaven or hell, and don’t see much need to change. Life is working pretty well for this group, so they are unmotivated to do anything to improve their lives. But of course, there are difficulties in every life, such as marital incompatibilities/divorce/custody/affairs/abortions/sexual orientation issues, child discipline issues, job difficulties, friend and family upsets, physical and mental/emotional health issues, substance use issues, questions about the meaning of life, and societal-political turmoil/allegiance/insecurity.

The Fourth group is the lukewarm Christians. This group of people believes in the Biblical doctrine and tries to live it. They don’t witness much, or with much enthusiasm/conviction, about their faith or try to change others into believers. They don’t have a deep knowledge of the Bible, but they know the basics and try to live according to the standards of the Bible. They invite friends and family to church but don’t argue theological points. They believe they’re Christians and trying to live a good life. They are not motivated to, or knowledgeable about, living a more committed life of ministry, service, devotion, or social action. Even though they are committed to Christ, this group may suffer similar challenges as the third group, the secular/non-believers. This group has a direction and beliefs but is not using God’s miraculous power to change themselves, their family/friends/work or society. They are not sufficiently knowledgeable, motivated, or organized to speak effectively to make the changes needed.

The Fifth group is the people who are Christians and are completely committed to boldly serving and creating the kingdom of Heaven on Earth. They live for God and want everyone else in the world to know and live for Him too. This group is typically very outspoken and opinionated. I belong to this group. In general, people in this group believe that their view of life is right, and they want every other person to believe and follow Christ and serve God in the way they have interpreted as right. I came from the Fourth group as a child and evolved into the Fifth group because of my altered state experience in 1987 when I saw that God was the very substance of the universe and how the story of the Bible was true and necessary. Other people came to faith through a personal transformation, miraculous healing, the resolution of a bad situation, or a sense of knowing/conviction/belief in the truth of the Bible.

This group is the most difficult to enroll because they are leaders. They are convinced of what is true, right, good, and the proper/correct view of Scripture. This group has fire in the belly, the motivation to change the world, and is willing to talk and enroll others in the kingdom. The challenge of leading a group of leaders who already believe their way is the best is that there is no unified direction or action plan. These leaders have their own method of following God’s revelation of truth and want to lead the charge to bring in God’s Kingdom.

God has many directions/actions/beliefs that are pleasing to Him, and there is a place for everyone who sincerely serves the Kingdom. My revelation was adequate for me to be motivated, but it is probably incomplete, and in points, it is probably wrong – I await further growth and revelation. In the meantime, the question is how to organize a team of leaders to lead the masses to salvation, sanctification, and service in a way that is effective in affecting social and governmental problems.

As a presidential candidate, I plan to enroll believers in what I call “The Coalition for Godly Government.” I want to enroll people as supporters/members and Coalition Cell leaders throughout the United States. Each cell will have a maximum of around 150 people. Malcolm Gladwell wrote about research that groups of 150 people are small enough that people can know everyone in the group/tribe/cell. When a cell gets bigger than 150, one leaders-in-training will break off to form another Coalition Cell. The Cell leaders will enroll new people to be part of their cell and fill it up to 150 people.

I have written many essays about government, society, medicine, science, philosophy, psychology, and theology issues. These writings can be food for thought and discussion in the Coalition cells. I see the Coalition cells as a connection point for support in life. They could include Bible Study, caring about each other, worship, prayer, sports and recreation, counseling, sharing, education, debating issues, informing about issues, developing initiatives, and referendum. Committees may form to review candidates and pending legislation and report to the larger group. The Coalition Cells are the elemental units in the Coalition. The cells may choose to organize and connect into a hierarchy, with the next layer being a Coalition of Cells that debate about issues, legislation, and candidates and develop consensus and support initiatives, referendums, and candidates. By creating consensus in a unified/participating voting bloc, the Coalition will be a potent political force in the ballot/election/voting process.

The Coalition will be located throughout the country and will have influence at the city, county, state, and national level by presenting a unified voting bloc. The Coalition Cells can associate to form Coalitions appropriate to influence the elections and policies at each of the population levels. Thus, each Coalition Cells will be affiliated with each of these levels to influence policies and candidate selection. This will enable being effective at influencing policies and candidates at all levels of government, region, and society. Thus, the individual can speak into a space where they can be heard. If their logic and evidence is sufficient to influence 150 people, then that Coalition Cell can stand behind an issue and enroll other Cells to support legislation or candidates. The Coalition cells can participate in social campaigns too, organizing demonstrations/marches/protests, letters to the editor, and speeches to organizations, advertisements, podcasts, videos, and email campaigns.

There are many issues/positions to support and oppose regarding the environment, defense, education, health, transportation, the economy, homelessness, drug addiction, mental health, organized crime, mass shootings, corrupt politicians, and organized crime.

One of the most crucial issues, is the issue of government/political corruption, because government is charged by God to enforce His morality. The question is how to get corrupt politicians to change their hearts to serve God and the public. We need elected officials that sacrifice themselves in public service instead pursuing self-service at the expense of the public.

I want everyone to enroll like-minded people in the Coalition. Of course, since the Coalition is my brainchild, as the founder/originator, the responsibility falls on me to begin the process of enrollment. I will be doing videos and posting them on Rumble. I will be doing podcasts and video interviews and sending out newsletters, emails, making phone calls, talking to people individually and speaking to groups.

But, I will not be able to do most of the enrollment that is necessary to make the changes that need to be made. My ideas, my candidacy, my ideas for creating a national transformation must go viral. They must be spread by other people who see the possibility hope, and rationality of my vision. Thus, other people will have to enrolling people in coalition cells. Everyone can duplicate what I am doing. The most obvious and accessible method of enrolling people will be for each person to share this with their friends, who then share it with their friends. The sharing could be as simple as sharing my website, in emails and personal contact.

But, none of this will happen without a miracle. I think the foundation of this movement must be prayer. When people share my work/vision/plan/ideas, it is a type of proselytizing. I think all of us in this movement/organization should read a chapter in the Bible each day (the verse of the day from the YouVersion app is what we use) and then pray for God to bless this ministry, to propagate the words far and wide, and to find willing recipients, fertile ground, human souls open to the solutions and desiring a change.

The process of sharing this work/vision is a type of witnessing. The people who believe in this work/vision enough to share it must speak to the listener in a way that touches his heart and speaks to their interests/passions/goals. I am calling out for people to participate who are passionate about transforming themselves and making the world a better place.

Why would people want to be part of my movement/organization/campaign? I am asking people to make Jesus the Lord of their lives, to live moral/Godly/Christlike/Biblical lives, and promising them that it’s important because the fabric of the nation depends on everyone restraining themselves to be a good/moral/Godly person.

There will be resistance to the message of everyone in each State choosing to be a Christian/living according to the Christian moral values. People don’t want to be regulated, told what to do, not do, in their private lives. Many people feel they are doing fine with their spiritual/psychological/monetary/social state without the State dictating their private morality. But it is the role of government to legislate a moral code. In effect, as a nation, have embraced the libertarian restrictions on the State’s jurisdiction of Biblical morality. And because the State has not legislated according to the Bible, it is legislating according to another moral code. The result is that we are suffering as a society. As long as States/Nations have a government (which will always exist in some form) we can either: 1) Restrict the State from legislating any Biblical moral restraints, and be subject only to the laws passed by secular leaders, or 2) we can choose to put Biblical moral and character restraints upon ourselves, and then allow Government to enforce violations of the laws we choose. In this system, the State and individual mutually agree to support Godly morality and choose Biblical Godliness as the moral guide for our lives.

The option of individuals and the State choosing and enforcing Godly laws will create a society that is the closest we can get to heaven on earth. And the price we pay for this pleasure is that we must discipline ourselves in Biblical morality and prosecute those who violate the principles of Godliness. Sin is an abomination to God, and if we do not restrict ourselves (both as the State and as individuals) then God will prosecute society. We may not acknowledge it as a display of God’s will, but His Law will eventually prevail, and we will face the outcome of His wrath if we do not voluntarily exercise self-control.

I am proposing a world where everyone willingly disciplines their hearts, souls, and minds and control their bodies in order to comply with Biblical Godliness. I am talking about a program of transforming America into being an overtly Christian nation, where everyone is a believer. This proposition might seem totally irrelevant to the duties of government. It might be dis-interesting to people who are not attuned to the issues of spirituality/moral conduct. And, it might be offensive to some who have a committed belief in secular humanism or other religion.

Probably many people will say, “I’m doing fine, and I don’t want government telling me what to do in my private life” may be the response to an introductory comment about this proposal/program/vision. Some may even feel offended at being spoken to about America being an overtly Christian nation and legislating Biblical morality. And then there are the questions about whether we should legislate the 613 Mosaic laws. (The answer is, that some are Levitical/religious laws, others are health issues, and others are crimes against God or man.)

The problem with living in a totally secular world, where there are no laws other than the laws men think are inherently moral, is that the laws of man are short sighted, and the decay inherent to their error is will cause the problems/decay we are now seeing. We can continue living and legislating as we have, or we can put ourselves under that bondage/yoke of discipline of Biblical Godliness and live in a wonderful life.

Is life worth living if we cannot engage in secret sin? If government legislates and enforces Biblical standards of Godliness, will this be like living in “The Scarlet Letter” or “Handmaiden’s Tale?” Will life be colorless and austere if we can’t escape the boredom of life by furtive affairs, intoxicated escape from reality through video games, porn, movies, game shows, and talk shows. Would life be too dull if large amounts of money could only be accumulated by slow and gradual saving and square dealing in business and government? Would people find life boring if they could only accumulate large amounts of money through honest business dealings and gradual savings, rather than through indulging in virtual reality video, porn, movies, and game and talk shows?

Every individual and corporation needs to transform their hearts. Jesus said we must come to Him as little children. We must transform our hearts to actually love the simple, the beautiful, and the holy/kind/peaceful. We must transform our nation, and our national hearts, to love the gentle breeze of peaceful lives.

We are being led into decay by our leadership at the top. Government is corrupt, self-dealing, perverted in its moral standards. Those who lead unGodly lives cannot create, pass, and enforce good/right/holy legislation without convicting themselves. We are being biased into wrong thinking by the minds and hearts of those whose character is shaped by their animal instincts. The result is misappropriation of limited resources for influence/power or personal gain.

Those who are elected and sworn to serve our interests are disregarding/ignoring/rebelling against God’s law of service, which is causing our nation’s decay. We are being manipulated by the leadership. The people on the top have their own moral biases that protect themselves/their club-cabal interests/their self-esteem. The leadership has divided and conquered us. They campaign on one platform and legislate on another. Are they two faced? Was it their intent to legislate opposite to their platform, or did they find out the headwinds were too strong/was the opposition to their platform so great they realized it was unrealistic? Did they get blackmailed? Did they make a moral compromise, money, sex, influence, and then bow to their new puppet masters?

The question is not how to get those bad people out, and get the good people in. The question is how to form a system that nourishes goodness. This is why we need to become a Christian nation again.

The lever we must pull to change the situation that I am proposing is a nation of organized Christians who all belong to a Coalition Cell. The Coalition Cells should be a place of continuing education on the principles of living as a Christian Nation. The process of studying, voting, debating, being informed, praying, fellowshipping, and enrolling changes people. The Church should promote membership in the Coalition and allow the Coalition Cells to meet in their facilities. The Coalition is doing the work of promoting the Kingdom of God on Earth.

We need to have a transformation of the spirit of the country. We need to acknowledge that we are a Christian nation. In the past, everybody knew we were a Christian nation. Barack told us we’re not just a Christian nation, and people kind of believe that. They think we can’t really embrace Christianity because that is an issue of Separation of Church and State. But that’s a lie. The States can enact any laws they want to codify any morality they desire, whether it’s straight out of the Bible or another religion. Congress cannot pass a law that establishes a national religion, but every State can declare themselves aligned with a religion.

The Coalition can exert the force of the ballot necessary to produce the changes on the top levels of government. When the top mandates and enforces Godly principles, the bottom levels of society and economy prosper. Right now, the top levels of society/economy prosper, because they can self-deal, but the effect is that the entire world suffers to give a modest benefit to the top.

Asking the top to change is a good/right/necessary step in the nation’s sanctification, but for that to happen, the bottom must become holy and exert pressure on the top. The new leaders will come from the holy men at the bottom who rise, or the elite who transform themselves and become holy.

We need to undergo a massive societal transformation. We are currently being divided and conquered, and that needs to change. If we stand united as one nation under God, we will overcome the few rulers at the top. The transition will be relatively easy if we keep our system as a democratic republic. If we transfer into a globalist authoritarian system, overcoming the force of oppression and unGodliness will be much harder.

As a first step, we must stand for electing only candidates who are willing to only legislate policy consistent with the Bible. That does not violate the separation of church and state. The SCOTUS established the Separation of Church and State meme with the unconstitutional 1947 Everson vs. Board of Education ruling. The Constitution restricts Congress from establishing of a religion by an Act of Congress. For example, Congress may not pass a law that says everybody has to be Presbyterians. But the States can pass any law they want regarding religion. California may declare itself to be a Catholic state, and that would be Constitutional. Maryland was Catholic when we started the nation, and that was acceptable.

Every State can pass any law, about anything that does not violate the Constitution and Bill of Rights. People have the freedom to move between the States, and if they don’t like the laws in that State they can move. If the State does things the way that they like, then stay there. Some States may want to be pagan, but hopefully most will want to be holy, Godly, and Biblical. The Godliness of the Christian/Bible-honoring states will hopefully be so good, and shining that they will overcome the unholiness of the pagan/atheistic/foreign-god States.

The prosperity, peace, happiness of the Godly/Bible-honoring states should be so obvious, so apparent, that there will be a migration into the holy States and the unholy States will change. The States who do not allow unholiness will prosper, be at peace, and be happy and goodness will overcome evil. And, it must start at the bottom, but it will influence the top, which will influence the bottom, etc.

If everybody says, we resist unholiness in own lives, and we resist it in our community, our state, our nation, then everything changes. When the representatives are being watched, they cannot trade influence for personal gain, and the motivation of legislation changes. Such people, the self-serving will either change or be unwelcome as public servants/legislators and executives. The bottom will populate the seats of power, and the actually Godly will serve us as administrators in God’s kingdom, which they will help bring to Earth.

if we don’t each sanctify ourselves and become part of the solution to make America holy, then we will get what we got. What we have now is what happens when we are not holding ourselves and our representatives accountable for legislating to make America holy.

It has become clear to me that we must become a holy nation if we are going to make it good in America. A Godly nation will be fair and good for everybody, and that will only happen when we choose to abide by Godly laws, and loving neighbor as self. We must each sanctify ourselves. We can’t wait for the other guy to do it. We each have to be part of the solution. We must create a group entity that actually is holy.

In the process of enrollment there is a layering of people who are most interested and want to be involved. There are the people that are completely on fire for God and totally sold out. That’s the first group, and hopefully they will see my vision and want to participate in creating the Kingdom on Earth. They are the Christian soldiers that are already ready for battle. If they are willing to adopt this strategy and work toward its implementation and the enrollment of the Coalition, that will be the fastest way we can get to the state of organization. The next group, the moderately involved must be educated, and eventually become leaders.

34:46 Joe
I think the fourth group, the lukewarm Christians, will be attracted and activated by the leaders, the fifth group, as that will be  natural transition. Groups one, two, and three are the tough ones because they are used to this way of living. They’re happy with it. Or at least they perceive themselves as being happy. Yes. And they just don’t realize that they are in a state of denial about how bad it is. The crime and corruption they live in is part of their way of life and their attitude and way of life. And so I think you’ll get the forth and fifth groups of people to transition themselves more to the Christian side.

As we drive around this country, we see the Christian, friendly, nice people are in the rural areas. But you go into the cities, and then that’s where everything degrades. And, you know, it doesn’t matter whether it’s in Northwest or Southwest. In Phoenix there is a core downtown where all the crime is mostly. I hope your campaign works out.

Thomas Abshier 36:34
It’s gonna be a lot of work, and it will require a miracle since my campaign is totally word of mouth. I do not want to activate the evil people. If they mobilize against us while we are still small and immature, they will try to stop the movement. The campaign will require a good strategy and execution, and the solution to restore American is very complex, because there are so many factions and forces that have competing perspectives and interests. But I’m trying to come up with a reasonable solution with all my writing. I’m trying to create a philosophical understructure that people can say, Oh, this makes sense and doesn’t violate any moral principles. But even that is difficult to avoid because people respond reflexively to my declaration that each State should declare itself a Christian State, and legislate according to the Bible. But I’m standing for Godliness – you can, and must, legislate morality. As Margo said, all law is met legislative morality.

Margo Abshier 38:07
All law is legislated morality. When people legislate immorality into a society, the society collapses. Every law reflects someone’s morality. It’s impossible to not legislate morality – it’s just a question of whose morality is being picked. I read an article in Glenn Beck’s Blaze a few months ago. He said that the idea of neutrality in politics, where there was no influence by any religion, was a hoax perpetuated by the communists. They never intended to live by that. It was all a sham/a lie by the communists and the Christians fell for it, and the country went to hell in a handbasket. In that article, it says that there can’t be a neutrality in ideology. The communist’s strategy was that they wanted the other side to stop fighting.

Thomas Abshier 40:19
In the past few weeks, I’ve gone through a big transition. I have finally acknowledged if the Bible says something is immoral, the State can legislate that sin as a crime if they so choose. This was triggered by an article about the Pope, who said that we shouldn’t legislate to declare sin to be a crime. I really wrestled with that. I finally admitted the Pope was wrong. We should declare sin a crime. If it’s a crime against God, it should be a crime against man. If we haven’t legislated a definition and punishment for sin, and at the very minimum, we should not endorse sin. We should have no protected class of sinners. Romans 13 says that government’s duty is to prosecute evil. The legislature’s job is to define sin as a crime and declare the appropriate punishment. There are no protected class of sinners in a Godly society.

Officially celebrating/endorsing the practice of sin is a sure way to bring down God’s curse upon the nation. Taking this stand was a big transition for me. I had to make this change because my moral-philosophical worldview wasn’t integrated into a seamless, non-contradictory philosophy of life and morality. What I had to do was like gerrymandering God’s law to apply in some situations and not others. We need an absolute standard, so we should confront the book/The Bible, and just go with what the book says. That makes legislation simpler, and everybody, including God, can get behind it.

To fundamentally transform America, the nation as a whole must transfer its allegiance from the false gods of money, secularism, multiculturalism, paganism, individualism, tolerance, happiness, love, libertarianism, communism, etc. and openly name Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. The moral standard to which we bow must be God’s standard as defined/revealed in the Bible. And if we bow individually and corporately to the same standard of morality, the same standard of conduct, the same standard of right and wrong, our nation will be healed. When we have a united voice regarding the moral standards for which we stand, we can clearly identify the enemies of God in individuals, groups, corporations, cities, States, and nations. There can be no purification, no elevation of the state of humanity to the Kingdom of Heaven until we identify the standard to which we aspire, and the standards which oppose/contradict Godliness.

Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

There is only one way into the Kingdom of Heaven, and it is a narrow way. Without seeing, defining, choosing a philosophy, worldview, moral standard which we, as a people, nation, society choose, we will not be able to separate that which is holy from that which is unholy in our behavior, laws, and thinking.

There are two Kingdoms, Heaven and Hell, and we must make a stand for which we are standing as a nation. That stand is made by declaring our allegiance to the God of the Bible, or another God, and that stand is made by choosing our moral standards. Either we stand for the standards of God or against them. If we adopt national standards against the Biblical standards, we are standing against God, bow to/have allegiance to another god, and we will suffer according to the blessings and curses of that god. We will make unavoidably choose a national allegiance by our individual and group behavior and the laws we choose to constrain and guide our behavior.

As a nation, with our celebration of unGodly sexuality, we have crossed the Rubicon. We have declared our nation as rebels against/enemies of God. As such, we will not be blessed. Sexuality is the tell, the touchstone, the indicator of each person and nation’s character and allegiance to God. America’s culture is now divided over sexuality, and this reflects our division between which God/god we worship. The talk of civil war is ultimately over the issue of our choice of God/god.

The rebels against God have made practitioners of unGodly sexuality a protected social class. They have tried to frame themselves as being subject to discrimination on a par with the abuse of slavery. They have cast all who do not celebrate unGodly sexuality as evil. And since the book, the Bible, clearly defines and reveals that unGodly sexuality is evil, they have declared war on the Book/the Bible, on Christianity, and on Christians. All who believe the Book are now declared as evil and bad people. And they feel it is appropriate to use the tools of government, the definitions of law and its enforcement powers to prosecute and extinguish this “hateful” belief system. Thus, as a nation, we are moving toward prosecution of Christians, Christianity, and all who believe in the precepts of the Bible. We have a national government aligned with the kingdom of Hell. We have gone far toward bringing Mad Max Fury Road into reality. It doesn’t take a prophet to see down the road where this ends. The Kingdom of Hell is where we’re going. And it’s bad.

44:08 Joe
Yes, we saw that with all the BLM protests and riots. We see them avoiding making gender distinctions on game shows where a man/woman is called “they.” They were obviously born as a male or female. A person may try to transition from one to the other by changing their surface characteristics, but they cannot change their gender with such superficial gestures. They are now shoving acceptance gender fluidity/choice down our throats.

Thomas Abshier 44:52
The powers that make and enforce law have aligned against Godly sexuality, and they may at some point enforce gender-correct pronouns, hiring, and speech. They are centralizing power and congealing a coalition of consensus about the new politically correct/Woke morality, and they may at some point use the gun, jail, and power of the purse shut off your bank account if you don’t properly honor unGodly sexuality.

John: I go back to my primary hope of a frontier to escape to! Leave those who wallow in evil to suffer their own fate, and let those who know better to escape to a frontier and to live honorable lives with their families and likeminded honorable people. That is my hope and my focus for the future.

Thomas: I don’t think escape from the influence/tyranny of unGodly Global government will be possible for another century or two. In the meantime, the movement toward the enforced imposition of unGodliness as the standard of “right” behavior is rapid. It is unlikely that we will be able to escape before the lockdown is so strong that we will never be able to fully escape the authoritarian influence of the Global/interstellar/intergalactic AI-Robot enforcers. Of course, speculation on that time frame is moot, given that we will probably not be able to participate in that rebellion against or escape from the Evil Empire. I don’t see any option but confronting the evil which we see approaching. The play of life is at its heart the choice of individuals choosing to love God or not, and that being expressed/demonstrated by our allegiance to, and acting out consistently with His Law. The play of the universe, the purpose of life, the reason for creation was to give man the opportunity to love God or not, and that by his free will. Thus, escape from the battle of man against evil and living in isolation from the crazies is not an option. The very substance and structure of the universe cries out for men to participate in relationship (with earth/creation, self/others, and God), and to bring substance and structure into Godly order.

John: I am NOT trying to change all the messed up, self-hating, incompetent people into libertarians or into Christians or into anything else. My days of trying to change people are DONE. I barely got anywhere with my efforts. I applaud your repeated desires to change people, but I don’t share it. I just want to live where I can and keep the hope alive for honorable people to escape the “crowded room” of earth as soon as a frontier becomes viable again, after ALWAYS being viable until a mere 150 years ago.

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