Rapport, Confrontation, Change

Rapport, Confrontation, and Change By: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 8/28/2023 In my 30 years of counseling, my first intervention was often teaching a communication lesson. A pair of UCLA professors developed this communication model as a general method of communication,...

Politics – Position Paper

Politics – Position Paper by: Thomas Lee Abshier, ND 8/26/2023 Politics refers to the activities, actions, and policies used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence the government’s decisions. It involves the exercise of authority,...

Shatter the Swarm

Here is a summary of the key points of Dr. Shiva’s exposition on “swarm intelligence” and how it directs societal action. – A small elite group of around 10,000 people effectively control populations through coordinated influence over...

Is Joe Biden Electable

Here is a summary of the key points in an article by Kim Strassel, WSJ.com, 8/19/2023 – The article argues that Democrats are taking a risky strategy by betting heavily on Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential nominee despite his weaknesses. – Biden is...


Don’t participate in Evil, Don’t fund the Enemy, Don’t live in Fear Radiate Love Make Memes TheMedicalRebel.com Lee Merrit, MD Commentary by Dr. Thomas: * Love your enemies by returning good for evil. Speak the truth in love. * Don’t...