
Live the Bible and Vote - Liberty in Christ Through Knowledge, Holiness, and Participation
Why should we believe, live a holy life, and participate in the political process? If God created the universe and gave the Bible as His revelation, then we should follow its prescription for personal and societal order.

The Conscious Point Physics - Evidence and Theory of God's Omnipresence
An examination of the evidence and theories of physics in light of the postulated existence of a universe filled with Conscious Points. God created the universe by creating Conscious Points, filling all of space with them, and constructing the physical universe using them as elemental building blocks.

Truth Seeker - My Journey from Drugs, Cults, and Science to Christ
My personal story of transformation from a doubting Thomas and man of science, through 40 cults, gurus, religions, and teachings to a man of faith, feeling, and reason from a divinely inspired altered state.

Creation to the Cross - An Analysis of God's Character and Purpose in Creating the Creation
My interpretation of the Bible and God’s revelation of Himself to man in the light of the Conscious Point paradigm of the sequence, structures, and substance of the creation.
* These books will be available for sale online after completing the editing process.